I need guidance and wisdom to make a purchase (yes, I am new too).

Fe Man

Full Member
Apr 2, 2024
East Tennessee
Hello everyone,

A couple of years ago I obtained a couple of PRC specials from Amazon. I admit it, I did so out of complete ignorance (coupled with the fact I wanted to try detecting first, and cheaply, to see if I liked it). Well, I had just moved from a State with more liberal detecting laws than I find in my new home (TN). I quickly got the impression you needed to know someone to gain access to private property to detect. So I stuffed the detectors in the garage and did nothing.

That changed a few months ago. My dear spouse convinced me to get on Facebook as all the groups / clubs I have in interest in were only availanle there. That did open things up a great deal and get my interest in detecting back on track. I went on my first hunt (organized) early last month. A detectorist, that I met there, was kind enough to let me use his spare Nokta Simplex Plus machine (with the WHP). Within a few minutes I made my first find (a piece of Civil War artillery shell)! From that point on I dug everything I found until my back hurt (sadly most of it was junk, but I had a blast). The next day I used one of the two Amazon detectors I had. Both of the Amazon machines were listed in the $150 - $200 range. The one I used, mostly because I could read the instructions, did a good job (but, as a newbie, the bar for doing so is set low).

Since then I have used my detector on a neighbors' property, as well as in a local park (no digging). I met some great people, and got to experience a better level of detecting with the day's worth of the Nokta. The bug has truly bitten and I wish to do more. Which leads into why I am making this post (sorry for the long story, but I wanted to provide you with some context).

I really didn't want to come in with my first post being of the "what should I buy" kind of thing. I tried reading previous posts here (and in the groups I belong to on FB), but the amount of information, and opinions, is staggering to a person new to the hobby - like me. So I hope I can write what I hope to find / do with this hobby as I start out. While I have since made some friends in my neighborhood, I don't have anyone I can talk with about detectors / detecting except online. Here's what I have in mind:

  1. A detector in the $300 - $500 price range.
  2. A detector I can grow into as I grow into the hobby. That is, it doesn't have to be so remedial that I outgrow it - I'm happy to learn with it (I hope that makes sense). Definitely not a hobby killer.
  3. My only "real" experience detecting was with the aforementioned Nokta. I liked that it was waterproof, could be updated, and had Bluetooth capability. It was also easy for me to use right-away, while having a lot of additional features that I could learn to use and improve upon.
  4. I have only the vaguest of ideas as to the need for different coils, style of coils, ferro-something, etc. I know this will mean something to me in the future, and will probably be good to have, but for now those terms mean little to me. I don't have the experience to know, or to know what to ask.
  5. My opportunities to hunt will be limited as I will need to get out and knock on doors to ask permission (or go on more paid organized hunts). This is why I'm not jumping into the higher-end detectors. the pathway to enlightenment, in this hobby, will be long and arduous.
  6. At this time I am leaning on a Nokta Simplex BT or Ultra. Maybe even the Double-score. But this is only because I got to test-drive one. Open to other suggestions though.
  7. And this is out of left field, but I've not seen it addressed. For the detectors with rechargeable batteries, are the batteries replaceable? Or are they like a lot of technology in that once the battery is done (think cellphones and tablets, for example), you have a useless brick?
With those points in mind, I hope I have provided some information on where I'm at, and where I hope to be in this great hobby. I appreciate any, and all, assistance you might offer. And again, I'm sorry for the long-winded post. Thanks!
Hi Fe Man first welcome to the Friendly Metal Detecting Forum

Second there is a great dealer in Tennessee that might just be of great help to you, his name is Richard at Backwoods Detectors, look him up and maybe take a drive to where he is located, he is a very knowledgeable dealer and would probably give you some good sound advice, in which detector would suit your needs, the other plus in visiting a shop that sells detectors is you can actually put your hands on the detectors and get a feel for the ones you are interested in

I am sure you will get many suggestions as to what everyone else thinks would be best for you, but in reality only you can decide what is best for you also what is best for someone else may not be best for you, i have my own opinions as to what works best for me but what I use may not be exactly the best for you

when someone gives you an opinion as to what is great for them that is really all it is, is one persons opinion, and may not be truly good for you and where you will be detecting

Again contact Richard at Backwoods Detectors and take a trip to his place where he sales detectors if at all possible, you may end up with a totally different detector from what you were initially thinking, like myself I own and use several detectors, the Simplex Plus being one of those detectors the Simplex plus is not a bad detector to start out with if you can get past those Dyeing Aflac Goose Tones, I also use a Legend also produced by Nokta, the Legend is a great all around detector with a lot of features for the Money and it is reasonably priced, however the Legend would still not be my choice for a first timer, I own 6 other detectors and My favorites I have, but that is just it they are my favorites and may not be good fit for you

again contact Richard at Backwoods Detectors and he can put you in the rite direction in choosing a detector that is right for you
Hi Fe Man.

To start, what exactly do you hope to accomplish with a new detector? Are there aspects that you don't like about the detectors you have used, that you believe will be remedied with a different detector?

Your answers to those questions, will be helpful in determining what detectors to suggest.
Second there is a great dealer in Tennessee that might just be of great help to you, his name is Richard at Backwoods Detectors, look him up and maybe take a drive to where he is located, he is a very knowledgeable dealer and would probably give you some good sound advice, in which detector would suit your needs, the other plus in visiting a shop that sells detectors is you can actually put your hands on the detectors and get a feel for the ones you are interested in
What OK just said is golden. If you can go to a dealer and see, hold, and yep, test run the detectors you are interested in is absolutely paramount in getting the right detector for you the first time. You will be so much happier in the long run, and probably have a machine you actually like to use over and over without the underlying desire to upgrade.
Your answers to those questions, will be helpful in determining what detectors to suggest.
Oh, Diga you have to know what I'm gonna say next, Opinions are like buttholes, everyone has one. This may be the right time to let this person make up their own mind. All due respect to you.:waytogo:
Oh, Diga you have to know what I'm gonna say next, Opinions are like buttholes, everyone has one. This may be the right time to let this person make up their own mind. All due respect to you.:waytogo:
Hi Hoser.

I really don't understand the point of your post. I mean, knowing what Fe Man is striving for, is an important factor in determining what to suggest. For example, for all we know, Fe Man might be expecting something in a new detector, that isn't possible.
My friend, my question to you is, would you buy a car simply by hearing what others are saying, or by taking it for a test drive. What I was TRYING to emphasize is, if this person can indeed test drive a few different machines, that in itself could be the difference between a happy detectorist or a disgruntled one. Some of us didn't have that option when we started out. All my info came from reading Treasure magazines. Heck, start a poll for those of us that started detecting in the 70's and 80's that would we have made the same purchase if we would have had the internet. Instead of Garrett, I would have gone Tesoro.
My friend, my question to you is, would you buy a car simply by hearing what others are saying, or by taking it for a test drive.
Did I say that he shouldn't take such a "test drive" if the opportunity exists?

Is there something wrong with giving the OP information before he goes for a possible test drive? You know, the kind of information that he asked for right in the title of his post?
I really didn't want to come in with my first post being of the "what should I buy" kind of thing. I tried reading previous posts here (and in the groups I belong to on FB), but the amount of information, and opinions, is staggering to a person new to the hobby - like me. So I hope I can write what I hope to find / do with this hobby as I start out. While I have since made some friends in my neighborhood, I don't have anyone I can talk with about detectors / detecting except online
Diga did you read this. I wasn't telling him what to buy, but was giving him the option to find the right unit for his needs. Now is that a bad thing.

Did I say that he shouldn't take such a "test drive" if the opportunity exists?
No, you didn't, but you also didn't say he should either.
Diga did you read this. I wasn't telling him what to buy, but was giving him the option to find the right unit for his needs. Now is that a bad thing.
No, that's not a bad thing. Who said it was?

No, you didn't, but you also didn't say he should either.
Waa?? My post to the OP had nothing to do with this test drive thing that you seem infatuated about. Are you suggesting I'm opposed to this test drive thing, just because I didn't give you a high five about it?

The OP asked for recommendations on a new detector. I merely asked the OP to elaborate on his expectations, so his question could be more accurately answered.
Why don't you and I agree to disagree and be done with it. You have your opinion, I have mine.
Ok, that's fine hoser. But, I can't agree to disagree, because I didn't write anything to agree or disagree with! lol. I merely asked the OP a couple of very valid questions.
Come on guys the OP asked a question

he didn't ask for a argument to break out

there is really no right or wrong answer to the OPs questions only he can decide what is right or wrong for himself

the point of my answer was to guide the OP to where he could possibly get to hold some of the detectors in his price range, and possibly maybe even run some of them in Richards test bed if Richard has a test bed, also to a dealer that could point him in a good direction and in turn provide the OP with some clarity on a few detectors and give the OP a few pointers about different detector in the Process

I still stand by my reply to the OP and feel it is his best avenue to get some insight too the questions he posed
I agree Oldkoot. All of this arguing really needs to stop especially when a new member and new detector user is just asking for some support.

Hi Fe Man, welcome to the forum.

You didn't mention which detectors from China that you purchased on Amazon. Some of them are okay and some are very questionable. If they will detect a US quarter or US nickel at around 6" in an air test, they are working and you can use them for practicing and for shallower stuff

Since you have used the newer Nokta Simplex models, they are on you wishlist and you found them easy to use, that would be a great place to start. They are excellent detectors for the money.

You also mentioned the Nokta Double Score and your $300 to $500 price range. Nokta is having an April sale right now so there are some good deals on the the Simplex models, Score, Double Score and Legend right now too. Some are bundled with a free or almost free Accupoint pinpointer.

I can't remember what Hoser is swinging right now, but Oldkoot, Diga and I all use the Legend for our main or secondary detectors. They are fantastic and certainly fit the bill for something you can grow into for several years in the hobby. I haven't used a Double Score yet but it is Nokta's attempt to simplify the Legend's user interface and features for newer detector owners and for those that don't want to have to change a lot of settings.

Richard at Backwoods Metal Detectors is a Nokta dealer. I think he is in Greeneville TN. He also is on Ebay.
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Welcome Fe Man!

I'm a Nokta guy basically for the same reasons you stated...rechargeable battery, waterproof, bluetooth, upgradeable, easy to turn on and go hunting. Do you have a pinpointer? Because that is almost a must-have for the majority of us. As you have probably noticed, quite a few of the members here will say that their detector (irregardless of the brand) have paid for themselves with their finds.

That being said, think of the phrase "buy once cry once" and consider the Legend pro pack. Comes with everything you'll need, now and in the future. There is a great market for second hand Legends as I just purchased a second unit, sell it if you don't click with it. I think it's a great detector for the money.

Good luck with your decision and let us know what you do!

Mark in Michigan
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Come on guys the OP asked a question

he didn't ask for a argument to break out

I agree Oldkoot. All of this arguing really needs to stop especially when a new member and new detector user is just asking for some support.

Who was arguing?

I didn't even state an opinion, or give a suggestion to even argue about. All I did was ask the OP a couple of questions. For some reason, hoser didn't like it when I asked the OP those questions.
Fe Man, I forgot yo answer one of your direct questions.

The internal rechargeable LiOn batteries in the Nokta detectors you mentioned can be replaced. So no, those Nokta detectors are not considered to be throw aways when their original batteries are worn out.
Fe Man, you actually gave us a ton of information in your post and asked us the “right” questions.

Keep asking. We were all beginners once.
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