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I would be more worried about taking the Russian vaccine. I had read that Putin wanted Russia to be first and that they only had tested the vaccine on dozens of people and it is being distributed now. Sputnik V it is called I believe.

i would worry about both Russian and Chinese versions not being safe.
What are the sides effects that rear their heads later down the road, 5 years, 10 years...............


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This is the first year I got a flu shot... I have never had the flu in my life... but I got it because I am taking care of my 94 yo mother..

There is another product coming out that interests me it has no side effects its only drawback the protection only lasts 8 hours its a nasal spray...

As to the vaccine.. I'm up in the air it looks safe it has the RNA of the virus and saline solution in it.. they say the side effects are a sore arm and a little fever..

I wear a mask everywhere... most in Connecticut do... the countries with the lowest infection rate mandates their citizens to wear them... we are not even close to bring on top on that list... we are like #17 and will probably drop even lower :roll:

If anyone brings up politics in the thread it will be closed.

There will be more than one vaccine available, from what I understand. Pfizer seems to be ahead of the competition as of right now. I believe they already started distributing to the UK. The long term side effects are my biggest concern, not enough of a concern to not get vaccinated though. I also wear a mask just about everywhere but my vehicle. I'm required to wear it for 8 hours at work on top of mandatory covid testing twice a week. I've already submitted around 30 swabs. It's getting out of hand here in MA, and the Governor doesnt have any plans to roll out more restrictions from what I'm hearing. So it's up to us to fend for ourselves. I'm not sure if your last sentence was aimed towards me, and my apologies if it was.
Some of these posts are funny to me. People are saying that the ones who are going to take the vaccine are “scared”, but I think it’s the people that AREN’T going to take it that are scared. We have a team of world class scientists working their butts off to find a cure to COVID for our safety and well being, yet you are scared that this is all some conspiracy theory or that the very minor side affects will hurt you more than not being able to breathe and being put on a respirator! My great grandpa died of COVID and I don’t want anyone else to have to experience the pain of not being able to see a relative on his deathbed. No one can require you to wear a mask or get a vaccine but as a nation I ask you to PLEASE do those things so we can go back to normal and so no more families have to suffer!
Some of these posts are funny to me. People are saying that the ones who are going to take the vaccine are “scared”, but I think it’s the people that AREN’T going to take it that are scared. We have a team of world class scientists working their butts off to find a cure to COVID for our safety and well being, yet you are scared that this is all some conspiracy theory or that the very minor side affects will hurt you more than not being able to breathe and being put on a respirator! My great grandpa died of COVID and I don’t want anyone else to have to experience the pain of not being able to see a relative on his deathbed. No one can require you to wear a mask or get a vaccine but as a nation I ask you to PLEASE do those things so we can go back to normal and so no more families have to suffer!

well said
foreign travel requirements

That don't bother me, I don't figure on going anywhere.

Hoping my wife will be able to travel back to the Philippines this next year to see her mom who is 93 now . She couldn't go this year due to the Philippines shutting down due to the virus. All planes flights and boats were stopped there to keep the virus under control . They are just starting to ease up restrictions now and opening up some flight to the country.

"A UK grandmother has become the first person in the world to be given the Pfizer Covid-19 jab as part of a mass vaccination programme.
Margaret Keenan, who turns 91 next week, said it was the "best early birthday present".

"She was given the injection at 06:31 GMT - the first of 800,000 doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine that will be dispensed in the coming weeks.
Up to four million more are expected by the end of the month.

Hubs in the UK will vaccinate over-80s and some health and care staff - the programme aims to protect the most vulnerable and return life to normal"

"A UK grandmother has become the first person in the world to be given the Pfizer Covid-19 jab as part of a mass vaccination programme.
Margaret Keenan, who turns 91 next week, said it was the "best early birthday present".

"She was given the injection at 06:31 GMT - the first of 800,000 doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine that will be dispensed in the coming weeks.
Up to four million more are expected by the end of the month.

Hubs in the UK will vaccinate over-80s and some health and care staff - the programme aims to protect the most vulnerable and return life to normal"

Good news Doug, thanks!
While I won't discourage anyone from getting it if they want to, I'll personally wait until the vaccine has been properly tested (and it hasn't been yet) before voluntarily getting it.

The side effects aren't being published, other than those that are more than 2% (of a very small subset of the test group).
While I won't discourage anyone from getting it if they want to, I'll personally wait until the vaccine has been properly tested (and it hasn't been yet) before voluntarily getting it.

The side effects aren't being published, other than those that are more than 2% (of a very small subset of the test group).
I believe that mandatory vaccinations will be pushed. NY has supposedly already introduced a bill. Call me a conspiracy theorist but when I told family and co-workers almost one year ago that masks and lockdowns were coming to the US, most laughed and called me a tinfoil hatter. Nowadays it looks like anything is possible in this upside down world.
I believe that mandatory vaccinations will be pushed. NY has supposedly already introduced a bill. Call me a conspiracy theorist but when I told family and co-workers almost one year ago that masks and lockdowns were coming to the US, most laughed and called me a tinfoil hatter. Nowadays it looks like anything is possible in this upside down world.

Well, good luck to NY making it mandatory. That would be blatantly unconstitutional.

I'm curious as to why the manufacturers are being given immunity from civil suits though if it's so safe, has been tested, etc.

There's too much we don't know overall about the virus and the vaccine.
I swear if some of you guys had been in the night time bombing of London where everyone shut their lights off so as to not be a target you'd be the guy standing there saying "I pay for my lights, it's my right to use them, can't tell ME what to do"...
I swear if some of you guys had been in the night time bombing of London where everyone shut their lights off so as to not be a target you'd be the guy standing there saying "I pay for my lights, it's my right to use them, can't tell ME what to do"...

It's actually more like the government telling you to turn off your lights and do it by sticking a fork in an outlet, which might end up killing you, and not actually turning off the lights that need to be turned off.
We may have already forgotten the first persons name but not the second!

"Second in line for the jab at University Hospital in Coventry (England) was 81-year-old William Shakespeare from Warwickshire"
I swear if some of you guys had been in the night time bombing of London where everyone shut their lights off so as to not be a target you'd be the guy standing there saying "I pay for my lights, it's my right to use them, can't tell ME what to do"...
So you’re saying some folks aren’t paying their electric bill?
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