How Do You Display Your Finds?



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Do you display your treasures?

I found a thrift store table for $10, then added a recess to display some finds (pictured). The table is in my man cave. All the rest of my finds are stuffed in a wooden box (pictured below), but I just found a great looking cabinet for storing and displaying finds. I wanted to share the info with anyone interested.

I got this wooden cabinet (pictures below) at Harbor Freight for $82. What do you think?
A great idea and the multi-section wooden box is great for storing and displaying hidden finds ...
I use stackable blueprint cabinet drawers. They're easy to pick up on the used market, since more and more contractors/builders have gone strictly digital over the recent decades. No more need to store in physical form. So you can often find them on the used market for cheap.
Great idea! I have had the same thought... I took drafting in high school and dealt with those cabinets frequently at work... Need to start shopping around
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