The key to sticking with this hobby is that you have to be able to enjoy the hunt itself regardless of the finds.
Now I'm sure it is "more" fun when you dig really good finds, but I still have fun even though so far I've dug only clad, modern pennies, and trash (and one junk ring
One thing is I benefit from the needed exercise, and I'd rather get exercise digging clad, pennies, and trash rather than walking on a boring treadmill
Even though I got a modest detector in 2016 my freedom to hunt was very limited from being a caregiver to my elderly mother-in-law who had dementia, so my real start as far as regular hunting didn't start till about August of last year.
I live in a small town with a relatively low population so parks have fairly low foot traffic so not a huge amount of "drops" potential over the years as in more highly populated towns.
I have hunted about 10 different locations so far, including several parks / recreation areas, 2 different private property permissions and of course my own yard
I still have yet to find my first silver coin or anything other than clad and modern pennies as far as coins, usually a 2 to 3 hour hunt might get me anywhere from about 2 to 13 coins per hunt, no recent drops, you can tell the coins have been in the dirt for quite a while, but still only clad and modern pennies. (maybe after writing this my next hunt will get me my first silver
Anyhow, my point is, even after all those hours hunting and all the coins being only clad and modern pennies, I still look forward to my next hunt and I still have fun and enjoy the hunt !
Now would I like to dig some really old coins ? Sure, who wouldn't ? .....and while I keep hoping to do so (hoping is part of the fun
) .....not having as of yet done so does not keep me from still having fun and enjoying my hunts !
I think my chances of digging old coins will be better when I can get some better private property permissions, especially if they have yet to be hunted or were hunted very little.
In the meantime I am still having fun regardless !