AWESOME evening in Seattle!


Senior Member
Jun 3, 2013
Seattle-ish, WA
[Click on a picture to increase resolution]

My dad and I went back to a Seattle park that I posted about last time. It gave us 2 20's mercs so we thought we would give it another shot.

Got a very obvious 12-47 by a tree and ended up with a heavily encrusted quarter. We were very surprised no one has recovered this coin as the signal was extremely obvious (I think my ACE250 would've found it). Will be returning to this park in the near future.

Turned out to be... 1898S Barber! This is our oldest silver coin.

How do I properly get rid of the tarnish (if I should)? I'll probably just 2x2 it as is.


42S Dime

Someone tied string around this ring. I guess it was a necklace for bling bling. Now it's ours. Cha ching! :lol:


Nice finds! WTG! GL and HH. Matt
[Click on a picture to increase resolution]

My dad and I went back to a Seattle park that I posted about last time. It gave us 2 20's mercs so we thought we would give it another shot.

Got a very obvious 12-47 by a tree and ended up with a heavily encrusted quarter. We were very surprised no one has recovered this coin as the signal was extremely obvious (I think my ACE250 would've found it). Will be returning to this park in the near future.

Turned out to be... 1898S Barber! This is our oldest silver coin.

How do I properly get rid of the tarnish (if I should)? I'll probably just 2x2 it as is.


42S Dime

Someone tied string around this ring. I guess it was a necklace for bling bling. Now it's ours. Cha ching! :lol:


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