My thoughts on the XP Deus 2 after 50 hours.

Glad its working well for you guys. I also vary the reactivity depending on target density. On sites where I'm looking for more depth, a lot of times I run reactivity at 0.5. The D2 is capable of some amazing depth!

I basically have 3 programs that I switch between for coin shooting.

1) Is the standard Silver Slayer program for when I'm just looking to cherry pick silver.

2) Is one I call SS AC (Silver Slayer - All Coins). Its identical to Silver Slayer, except the 2nd notch is open from 79 and up. I use this one in spots where I want to dig more coins/relics in the IHP range. I originally had it set open from 80 on up, but Saturday my buddy Kenny found an IHP which I tested and wasn't getting. It was reading 79-80, which was right on the borderline of where my notch was set. I dropped it down to 79 and it came in nice and clean.

3) SS DHC (Silver Slayer - Deep High Conductor). This is basically Deep HC set up like Silver Slayer. I use it to check deep targets and I like to re-hunt hard hit sites with it after using the original SS program.

Ha! I also have a SSDHC set up exactly the same as the SS program. I also have them set up in adjacent slots so it’s easy to toggle from one to the other. One thing I’ve noticed between the two is that it’s easier to call non ferrous with the SS Fast. The SSDHC will false more often with a decent tone and high numbers.
Ha! I also have a SSDHC set up exactly the same as the SS program. I also have them set up in adjacent slots so it’s easy to toggle from one to the other. One thing I’ve noticed between the two is that it’s easier to call non ferrous with the SS Fast. The SSDHC will false more often with a decent tone and high numbers.

Yep, I've noticed the exact same thing. For that reason, I prefer to use the Fast based SS most of the time.
Yep, the Deus 2 Fast Silver Slayer is awesome. If I just can't stand the constant racket from the blanket of aluminum, I just switch over to the Rattlehead's Silver Slayer with a nickel/small gold ring notch added (50 to 64) and dig some gold jewelry, clad and sometimes silver. It's a USA Clad Slayer too for sure.
Anxious to give it a try

A few tips, and you may already know this, but I’ll post it in case anyone else may be interested:
The higher you set the reactivity, the more you should slow your sweep speed. I don’t mean super slow. For example, if your in dense trash and you have your reactivity set at 4, swing about a second to cover a 4’ wide sweep.

Again, in trashy areas, overlap each sweep by the radius of your coil. If you’re using the 9” coil advance forward about 4.5” with each swing.

Listen for the higher sounding pitch tone. If there’s lower sounding pitch tones intermingled with the high ones, turn 90 degrees and sweep it again. If after turning you get all low pitch tones, it’s most likely a nail or other rusty ferrous target. If after turning 90 degrees you still get intermingled tones I would dig it. It may be iron with a good target beside it. Or it may be a bent rusty nail. If you turn 90 degrees and get just the high pitch tones, dig it. It’s more likely a good target.
Oh. My. Goodness!
Rattle, thank you so much for the insane amount of time you spent reviewing the D2 and updating this thread!

My first detector was a Garrett ace 250 almost 15 years ago. I was able to use my finds to upgrade to a used etrac...used it for a very long time. I think it contributed to my need for shoulder surgery. After the surgery, I had to get something lighter so I switched to the equinox 600 (budget, ya know). I really love some things about it but the stability is just not there, compared to the etrac. I was looking for something that's the best of both worlds, and I've been on the fence about the D2 for a few months now. This thread has been incredibly helpful! I'm not quite ready to put the money on the table, but I'm strongly leaning toward pulling the trigger. I can't believe there's a machine out there that's actually lighter than the nox. I'm dreading the thought of learning a whole new way of doing things because I've been a minelab user for so long now, but you were the same way and you seem to have come out the other side doing great... Gives me some confidence that it's worth it. So, thanks again for the effort. I haven't watched any of your videos yet...but the thread is super helpful to me!
Oh. My. Goodness!
Rattle, thank you so much for the insane amount of time you spent reviewing the D2 and updating this thread!

My first detector was a Garrett ace 250 almost 15 years ago. I was able to use my finds to upgrade to a used etrac...used it for a very long time. I think it contributed to my need for shoulder surgery. After the surgery, I had to get something lighter so I switched to the equinox 600 (budget, ya know). I really love some things about it but the stability is just not there, compared to the etrac. I was looking for something that's the best of both worlds, and I've been on the fence about the D2 for a few months now. This thread has been incredibly helpful! I'm not quite ready to put the money on the table, but I'm strongly leaning toward pulling the trigger. I can't believe there's a machine out there that's actually lighter than the nox. I'm dreading the thought of learning a whole new way of doing things because I've been a minelab user for so long now, but you were the same way and you seem to have come out the other side doing great... Gives me some confidence that it's worth it. So, thanks again for the effort. I haven't watched any of your videos yet...but the thread is super helpful to me!

Glad you like the review gismapper. I try to keep them as informative and unbiased as possible, pointing out both the positives and negatives because there’s nothing worse than plunking down a bunch of money on a product that you end up not liking at all. Been there and done that.

I ended up really liking the D2, but just like every other detector on the market, it too has some things that could be better.

At the end of the day we’re all different so it’s hard to predict whether or not a person will jive with any detector, but the more info we have before making a decision the better off we are.

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I just received a Deus 2 and my take away from your informative post is your comment on using the factory pre sets before adventuring into "build your own programs land" before you fully understand and appreciate what the builders have programmed into a detector that they know far better that the owner/user.

Making it up BEFORE you go along can cost you a lot of time and create a lot of confusion. Good post Rattlehead, thanks

I made that mistake with my Nox 800 and it is a huge mistake. The detector mfgs know what they are doing when they designed their default different program modes.
So I got a buddy swinging the D2. He does great with it although I've yet to see it hit anything the Equinox can't in the wild. We have compared 100's of targets and at least a 1/3 of it was silver. I have seen edge of detection targets give him issues. I have noticed he digs iron thinking it's a good target after the Equinox is plainly telling me it's iron. I have not one minute on the D2 so I can't tell you why he is digging falsing iron. If he's in fast I seem to out depth him. He also can not call coins as well as I can or so it seems.

I need to get him to put the SS program in his machine. He is a turn on and go guy for the most part, but he has changed some settings on it based on other peoples settings.
I’d be curious to hear what your buddy runs his audio response at.
Default seems to be around 4 and I was a little disappointed in my D1 when I first got it with that setting. Felt like my 800 was beating it in depth. Got a tip on one of these forums to run it up to 6 and it made a huge difference for me. I do the same now with the D2 and I know I’m going deeper than I was with the Nox. I do get fooled though sometimes on a bent nail ringing up like it’s possible silver. I accept that.
I think they are both awesome machines ! The more I use the D2 the better it gets. Or maybe the better I get. Had a Manticore on pre-order but changed my mind.
Maybe down the road but I’m going to focus on what I have for now.
Happy digging!
"Audio response" doesn't increase depth or affect performance in any way. Audio response amplifies the sound of the weak signals, that would normally produce a lower volume tone.
So I got a buddy swinging the D2. He does great with it although I've yet to see it hit anything the Equinox can't in the wild. We have compared 100's of targets and at least a 1/3 of it was silver. I have seen edge of detection targets give him issues. I have noticed he digs iron thinking it's a good target after the Equinox is plainly telling me it's iron. I have not one minute on the D2 so I can't tell you why he is digging falsing iron. If he's in fast I seem to out depth him. He also can not call coins as well as I can or so it seems.

I need to get him to put the SS program in his machine. He is a turn on and go guy for the most part, but he has changed some settings on it based on other peoples settings.

An experienced user like yourself who knows how to set up his machine is usually going to get better performance than a turn on and go user. Regardless of detector. No real surprise there. Fast is not a deep program out of the box. It’s meant for speed, as the name suggests. It’s capable of punching down pretty deep with just a couple of adjustments. Lower reactivity and higher sensitivity. Default reactivity in fast is 3. I like to drop it down to 1 and slow my sweep speed. Sometimes I even run it at 0.5 depending on the target density. At most of my locations I’m able to use that program with the sensitivity maxed out or very close to it, while still running very stable. I’ve dug dimes at 10”+ with the little 9” coil, running Fast based programs. If I was looking for all out depth on coins, I’d probably just run something based on Deep HC.

Digging less falsing iron just comes with more experience IMHO. I dug a lot as I was learning both the D2 and the Nox, but I rarely dig it anymore. Still get fooled every now and then, but not very often. Iron has more of a choppy sound, and usually gives an inconsistent signal.

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"Audio response" doesn't increase depth or affect performance in any way. Audio response amplifies the sound of the weak signals, that would normally produce a lower volume tone.

Well ok then. I’m hearing those weak signals better. Works for me.
I sent him the link to your youtube on SS program. Like I said he has done great with the D2. No denying it's top notch. I just know the Equinox so well I didn't take the plunge with the D2. Almost did, but I chickened out.
Well ok then. I’m hearing those weak signals better. Works for me.

I like to bump up my audio response a little too, for the same reason. Even though it doesn’t give any extra depth, making the target easier to hear definitely helps guys like me with crappy hearing. Since I almost always use pitch tones, I don’t really need modulation to tell me how deep a target is anyway. The VCO audio does a fine job of that on its own.

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I sent him the link to your youtube on SS program. Like I said he has done great with the D2. No denying it's top notch. I just know the Equinox so well I didn't take the plunge with the D2. Almost did, but I chickened out.

Nothing wrong with that. The Equinox is an outstanding detector.

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I’d be curious to hear what your buddy runs his audio response at.
Default seems to be around 4 and I was a little disappointed in my D1 when I first got it with that setting. Felt like my 800 was beating it in depth. Got a tip on one of these forums to run it up to 6 and it made a huge difference for me. I do the same now with the D2 and I know I’m going deeper than I was with the Nox. I do get fooled though sometimes on a bent nail ringing up like it’s possible silver. I accept that.
I think they are both awesome machines ! The more I use the D2 the better it gets. Or maybe the better I get. Had a Manticore on pre-order but changed my mind.
Maybe down the road but I’m going to focus on what I have for now.
Happy digging!

I can see where turning it up in a clean yard or park might be helpful, but where we hunt most of the time I use the audio to tell me depth. At least on the Equinox I am very tuned in to listen for the deeper targets. I swing pretty slow compared to a lot of people just so I can hear those soft deep beeps. Nothing says silver like a soft smooth high tone.
The final 2022 tally after 9-10 months of using the Deus 2.



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