Funny Metal Detecting Bloopers

Very good Video it put a little fun in with some serious metal detecting . I enjoy seeing your videos and look forward to next years ,have a happy new year .
Thanks for sharing your hunts with us .

haha, great video! :lol:
you're sure having hard luck with the diggers/shovels, lol. head to a machine shop, they'll put one together for you that won't break, ha! :D

Nice video.... yep... you need a Lesche or Predator digging tool.... Pay the price and buy once.... buy cheap, pay the price over and over. RickO
I have an awesome craftsmen garden digger I use. It holds up really well. I broke 2 diggers in one day before moving on to this. A year later it's still fine!
Great video! I was cracking up at you exasperation when finding a pull tab that you thought may have been silver. We can all relate to that feeling. :lol:
cool video wtg
buy the leashe you'll never look back at least it wont break right out of the bag
good luck
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