UV Lights and Fluorescent Minerals - a fun side hobby to metal detecting !

One more specimen from the large box.

This cabinet sized specimen consists of fluorescent Willemite, Calcite, and Fluorapatite with Andradite, Hendricksite, Rhodonite, and Franklinite from the Franklin Mine, Franklin, Sussex Co., NJ.

The first picture is in natural light. The second picture is in LW 365nm with Willemite predominating. The third picture is in SW 254nm with Willemite responding green, Calcite as scattered red spots, and Fluorapatite responding as scattered area of pinkish white.

Enjoy the pictures!


  • Willemite, calcite, fluorapatite, & others, Franklin Mine, Franklin, Sussex Co., NJ, natural l...jpg
    Willemite, calcite, fluorapatite, & others, Franklin Mine, Franklin, Sussex Co., NJ, natural l...jpg
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  • Willemite, calcite, fluorapatite, & others, Franklin Mine, Franklin, Sussex Co., NJ, LW 365nm.jpg
    Willemite, calcite, fluorapatite, & others, Franklin Mine, Franklin, Sussex Co., NJ, LW 365nm.jpg
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  • Willemite, calcite, fluorapatite, & others, Franklin Mine, Franklin, Sussex Co., NJ, SW 254nm.jpg
    Willemite, calcite, fluorapatite, & others, Franklin Mine, Franklin, Sussex Co., NJ, SW 254nm.jpg
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The last Royal specimen from the large box of last week!

This hand sized specimen of copper-zinc ore consists of Sphalerite, minor Willemite, and minor Hardystonite set in Bornite, Chalcopyrite, and Pyrite. The only fluorescent minerals are the Sphalerite, Willemite,and Hardystonite. Thanks to KT's Royal Friend Herwig of Belgium, KT now has a Midwave flashlight and this post contains the first picture taken with it! The specimen is from the Sterling Hill Mine, Franklin Mining District, Ogdensburg, Sussex Co., New Jersey.

The first picture is in natural light. The second is in LW365nm, with the Sphalerite displaying a yellow color. The 3rd picture is in MW310nm, and the Sphalerite shows a bit more yellow golden color. The 4th picture is in SW254nm, and the Sphalerite is yellow, the Willemite a darkish green, and the Hardystonite is a strong blue.

Enjoy the pics!


  • Sphalerite, Willemite, Hardystonite, with Bornite, Chalcopyrite, & Pyrite, Sterling Hill Mine,...jpg
    Sphalerite, Willemite, Hardystonite, with Bornite, Chalcopyrite, & Pyrite, Sterling Hill Mine,...jpg
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  • Sphalerite, Willemite, Hardystonite, with Bornite, Chalcopyrite, & Pyrite, Sterling Hill Mine,...jpg
    Sphalerite, Willemite, Hardystonite, with Bornite, Chalcopyrite, & Pyrite, Sterling Hill Mine,...jpg
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  • Sphalerite, Willemite, Hardystonite, with Bornite, Chalcopyrite, & Pyrite, Sterling Hill Mine,...jpg
    Sphalerite, Willemite, Hardystonite, with Bornite, Chalcopyrite, & Pyrite, Sterling Hill Mine,...jpg
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  • Sphalerite, Willemite, Hardystonite, with Bornite, Chalcopyrite, & Pyrite, Sterling Hill Mine,...jpg
    Sphalerite, Willemite, Hardystonite, with Bornite, Chalcopyrite, & Pyrite, Sterling Hill Mine,...jpg
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This specimen was sent to KT by Clyde Spencer from the Graymont Dolime Inc. quarry in Genoa, Ottawa Co., OH.

The first picture is in natural light with a scale. The bulk of the surface in the photograph is of cleaved sphalerite, with a little of the gray carbonate matrix showing.

The second picture is in unfiltered 405nm laser light. Unfortunately KT was unable to find the proper filter to remove the reflections of the blue light. However, speckles of a green fine-grained phosphorescent mineral is noted when the light is turned off. It appears on cleavages of the sphalerite which shows some red fluorescence in 405nm, noted in the picture.

The third picture is in LW 365nm and the sphalerite displays both red and yellowish tan fluorescence, the red portion confined to the rim of the cleavage mass. A finely granular bright green fluorescence ispresent in the center of the cleavage mass, likely confined to cleavage surfaces. Both exhibit bright phosphorescence when the lamp is turned off. Unfortunately, I had to radiation detector available to see if there was any notable radiation being given off from the cleavage surface.

The 4th picture is in MW 305nm, and exhibits similar but less intense fluorescence, and little phosphorescence.

The 5th picture is in SW 254nm and the sphalerite only shows red fluorescence around the rim of the cleavage mass. The green fluorescent mineral is more greenish blue in response. Little to no phosphorescence was noted.

It is KT's thought, considering that the green speckles are on the cleavage surfaces, and are a bright green in the longer wavelengths, that whatever that mineral is it contains traces of Uranyl ions, as this is a typical color in UV light for Uranyl. KT suggests that the cleavage mass is of a group of fairly large intergrown sphalerite crystals, likely of similar crystallographic orientation.

The blue fluorescent material is unchecked, it may be calcite, or as suggested by Clyde Spencer, contamination, some of the gray carbonate matrix has a bluish tint in SW. I would not be surprised if as Clyde suggested, this mineralization is from a breccia zone, as is often seen in central US carbonate hosted Zn/Pb deposits.

Enjoy the pictures.


  • Sphalerite, Graymont Dolime Inc Quarry, Genoa, Ottawa Co., OH, natural light .jpg
    Sphalerite, Graymont Dolime Inc Quarry, Genoa, Ottawa Co., OH, natural light .jpg
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  • Sphalerite, Graymont Dolime Inc Quarry, Genoa, Ottawa Co., OH, 405nm laser.jpg
    Sphalerite, Graymont Dolime Inc Quarry, Genoa, Ottawa Co., OH, 405nm laser.jpg
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  • Sphalerite, Graymont Dolime Inc Quarry, Genoa, Ottawa Co., OH, LW 365nm.jpg
    Sphalerite, Graymont Dolime Inc Quarry, Genoa, Ottawa Co., OH, LW 365nm.jpg
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  • Sphalerite, Graymont Dolime Inc Quarry, Genoa, Ottawa Co., OH, MW 305nm.jpg
    Sphalerite, Graymont Dolime Inc Quarry, Genoa, Ottawa Co., OH, MW 305nm.jpg
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  • Sphalerite, Graymont Dolime Inc Quarry, Genoa, Ottawa Co., OH, SW 254nm.jpg
    Sphalerite, Graymont Dolime Inc Quarry, Genoa, Ottawa Co., OH, SW 254nm.jpg
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The first specimen consists of Wollastonite from the Franklin mines, Ogdensburg, Sussex Co., NJ.
The first picture is in natural light and the second is in SW 254nm. The third picture is in MW 310nm.

The Wollastonite fluoresces a pale to medium yellow in SW, and a weak tan in MW. Any blue in the MW picture is reflection of light emitted by the MW lamp. The specimen is non-responsive to LW 365nm.

The second specimen consists of non-fluorescent Hendricksite and Biotite, with Barite, Calcite, and traces of Willemite. Also in MW and SW an unknown fl. blue mineral. This is also from the Franklin mines, Ogdensburg, Sussex Co., NJ.

The first picture of this specimen is in natural light, the second in LW 365nm. The third in MW 310nm, and the fourth is in SW 254nm. The second picture of this group displays the pale bluish white response of the Barite within the orange responding Calcite. The 3rd picture in MW shows no barite response whatsoever, but the Calcite is a strong red orange. Also, note the presence of an unknown blue responding mineral within the Hendricksite-Biotite. The 4th picture shows essentially the same thing as the MW, except the unknown mineral is a brighter blue color. This mineral was not noted by the dealer the specimen was purchased from….and he thought the white within the calcite in LW was just more calcite, but the tabular nature of it and distinctive color is distinctive for Barite. In the natural light picture, there is no indication by color of any barite in the calcite!

KT hopes you enjoy the pictures!


  • Wollastonite, Franklin mines, Ogdensburge, Sussex Co., NJ, natural light.jpg
    Wollastonite, Franklin mines, Ogdensburge, Sussex Co., NJ, natural light.jpg
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  • Wollastonite, Franklin mines, Ogdensburge, Sussex Co., NJ, SW 254nm.jpg
    Wollastonite, Franklin mines, Ogdensburge, Sussex Co., NJ, SW 254nm.jpg
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  • Wollastonite, Franklin mines, Ogdensburge, Sussex Co., NJ, MW 310nm.jpg
    Wollastonite, Franklin mines, Ogdensburge, Sussex Co., NJ, MW 310nm.jpg
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  • Barite, Calcite, Unknown, Franklin Mines, Ogdensburg, Sussex Co., NJ, natural light.jpg
    Barite, Calcite, Unknown, Franklin Mines, Ogdensburg, Sussex Co., NJ, natural light.jpg
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  • Barite, Calcite, Unknown, Franklin Mines, Ogdensburg, Sussex Co., NJ, LW 365nm.jpg
    Barite, Calcite, Unknown, Franklin Mines, Ogdensburg, Sussex Co., NJ, LW 365nm.jpg
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  • Barite, Calcite, Unknown, Franklin Mines, Ogdensburg, Sussex Co., NJ, MW 310nm.jpg
    Barite, Calcite, Unknown, Franklin Mines, Ogdensburg, Sussex Co., NJ, MW 310nm.jpg
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  • Barite, Calcite, Unknown, Franklin Mines, Ogdensburg, Sussex Co., NJ, SW 254nm.jpg
    Barite, Calcite, Unknown, Franklin Mines, Ogdensburg, Sussex Co., NJ, SW 254nm.jpg
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One specimen today in the Royal Mailbox!

This sample consists of Fluorapatite, Garnet, var. Almandine, and Albite,var. Cleavelandite from the now abandoned Strickland Quarry, Portland, Connecticut. The works are filled with water, but the dumps were popular for collecting until they were finally closed awhile back. The Fluorapatite, also called mangano apatite by some, and manganapatite by fluorescent mineral collectors, in the first photo is a gray vein, the dark red blob is Almandine, and the yellow white matrix consists of Cleavelandite. There is a lengthy history of this mine posted in Mindat.org for anyone who cares to read it.

The second picture is in SW 254nm and shows a nice but slightly weak yellow to the Fluorapatite vein. The third picture is in MW 310nm and the Fluorapatite displays as a stronger yellow vein.

The Albite and the Garnet have no LW response, and the Fluorapatite is also non-responsive in LW. For the really curious, the fl. blue oblong spot on the lower left of pics 2 & 3 is where the previous owner used white enamel paint so he could put his catalog number on the specimen, but he never got around to using the india ink!

Enjoy the pictures!


  • Fluorapatite, Garnet, var. Almandine, Albite, var. Cleavelandite, Strickland Qy., Portland, CT...jpg
    Fluorapatite, Garnet, var. Almandine, Albite, var. Cleavelandite, Strickland Qy., Portland, CT...jpg
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  • Fluorapatite, Garnet, var. Almandine, Albite, var. Cleavelandite, Strickland Qy., Portland, CT...jpg
    Fluorapatite, Garnet, var. Almandine, Albite, var. Cleavelandite, Strickland Qy., Portland, CT...jpg
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  • Fluorapatite, Garnet, var. Almandine, Albite, var. Cleavelandite, Strickland Qy., Portland, CT...jpg
    Fluorapatite, Garnet, var. Almandine, Albite, var. Cleavelandite, Strickland Qy., Portland, CT...jpg
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Yesterday KT was in Jackson, MS, for their annual gem & mineral show. And now His Majesty has a few goodies to show off that were obtained there, starting with these two examples.

Specimen box #1 are some small samples of Sodalite, sold as Hackmanite, maybe they are or maybe they are just Sodalite. They are from the Davis Qy., Bancroft, Ontario, Canada. The 1st picture is taken with natural light, and the 2nd picture in LW 365nm. They also are responsive to Midwave, but just a bit more on the pale side, so no pic was taken.

The second "specimen" is one half of a polished dyed pink Brazilian Agate book end. I do not know what happened to the matching half, perhaps it got broken. The dealer only had the one piece, but KT liked its response (of the dye) to LW 365nm, so He bought it, it only being $12. Too bad every piece this attractive is not that price! HA HA Anyway, the 3rd picture is of the Agate in natural light and the last picture is it in LW 365nm. There is no photo enhancement, it just looks that darned good!

Enjoy the pictures!


  • Sodalite, var. Hackmanite, Davis Qy., Bancroft, Ont., Can., Natural light.jpg
    Sodalite, var. Hackmanite, Davis Qy., Bancroft, Ont., Can., Natural light.jpg
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  • Sodalite, var. Hackmanite, Davis Qy., Bancroft, Ont., Can., LW 365nm.jpg
    Sodalite, var. Hackmanite, Davis Qy., Bancroft, Ont., Can., LW 365nm.jpg
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  • Agate, dyed bookend, Brazil, Natural light.jpg
    Agate, dyed bookend, Brazil, Natural light.jpg
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  • Agate, dyed bookend, Brazil, LW 365nm.jpg
    Agate, dyed bookend, Brazil, LW 365nm.jpg
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Here are two fluorescent specimens!

The first 4 pictures are of Manganocalcite. The dealer at the Jackson, MS, show first said from Madagascar, then he said “somewhere in Tanzania, you know….Africa!” That is when I knew he did not know where it was from. However, a bit of sleuthing on Mindat.org and KT found two pictures looking like this specimen from Pachapaqui Mining District, Aquia District, Bolognesi Province, Ancash, Peru. So that is the location His Majesty is sticking with! HA HA The first picture is in natural light. The 2nd is in LW 365nm, the 3rd is in MW 310nm, and the 4th picture is in SW 254nm. An interesting color difference between MW and SW!

The second specimen is of Barite and Calcite from the Sterling Hill Mine,Ogdensburg, Sussex Co., New Jersey. Specimens with Barite are expensive from this site, so KT was surprised to see it very reasonably listed on eBay. He bid on it, and kept a watch going, sure enough two days before the end of the auction, someone outbid His Majesty, but by only $2, so He topped their bid by $10.00, just to see if they were serious. They never came back to bid, so KT got it at a very reasonable price! The 1st picture is in natural light,the 2nd in LW 365nm, the 3rd in MW 310nm, and the 4th pic is in SW 254nm. I like the contrast of the calcite with the barite in the SW image the best.

Enjoy the pictures!


  • Manganocalcite, Pachapaqui Mining Dist., Aquia Dist., Bolognesi Province, Peru, Natural light.jpg
    Manganocalcite, Pachapaqui Mining Dist., Aquia Dist., Bolognesi Province, Peru, Natural light.jpg
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  • Manganocalcite, Pachapaqui Mining Dist., Aquia Dist., Bolognesi Province, Peru, LW 365nm.jpg
    Manganocalcite, Pachapaqui Mining Dist., Aquia Dist., Bolognesi Province, Peru, LW 365nm.jpg
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  • Manganocalcite, Pachapaqui Mining Dist., Aquia Dist., Bolognesi Province, Peru, MW 310nm.jpg
    Manganocalcite, Pachapaqui Mining Dist., Aquia Dist., Bolognesi Province, Peru, MW 310nm.jpg
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  • Manganocalcite, Pachapaqui Mining Dist., Aquia Dist., Bolognesi Province, Peru, SW 254nm.jpg
    Manganocalcite, Pachapaqui Mining Dist., Aquia Dist., Bolognesi Province, Peru, SW 254nm.jpg
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  • Barite & Calcite, Sterling Hill MIne, Ogdensburg, Sussex Co., NJ, Natural light.jpg
    Barite & Calcite, Sterling Hill MIne, Ogdensburg, Sussex Co., NJ, Natural light.jpg
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  • Barite & Calcite, Sterling Hill MIne, Ogdensburg, Sussex Co., NJ, LW 365nm.jpg
    Barite & Calcite, Sterling Hill MIne, Ogdensburg, Sussex Co., NJ, LW 365nm.jpg
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  • Barite & Calcite, Sterling Hill MIne, Ogdensburg, Sussex Co., NJ, MW 310nm.jpg
    Barite & Calcite, Sterling Hill MIne, Ogdensburg, Sussex Co., NJ, MW 310nm.jpg
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  • Barite & Calcite, Sterling Hill MIne, Ogdensburg, Sussex Co., NJ, SW 254nm.jpg
    Barite & Calcite, Sterling Hill MIne, Ogdensburg, Sussex Co., NJ, SW 254nm.jpg
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Here are two fluorescent specimens kindly gifted to KT by Eckhardt Stuart of Mississippi!

The first is Wickenburgite from its type locality (TL), Potter CramerMine, Maricopa Co., AZ. The first picture is in natural light, the second in MW 310nm, and the third in SW 254nm.

The second specimen is Calcite from the Junction Mine, Bisbee, Cochise Co., AZ. The first of its pictures is in natural light, the second is in MW 310nm, and the third in SW 254nm.

Enjoy the photos!


  • Wickenburgite (TL), Potter Cramer Mine, Maracopa Co., AZ, natural light .jpg
    Wickenburgite (TL), Potter Cramer Mine, Maracopa Co., AZ, natural light .jpg
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  • Wickenburgite (TL), Potter Cramer Mine, Maracopa Co., AZ, MW 310nm.jpg
    Wickenburgite (TL), Potter Cramer Mine, Maracopa Co., AZ, MW 310nm.jpg
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  • Wickenburgite (TL), Potter Cramer Mine, Maracopa Co., AZ, SW 254nm.jpg
    Wickenburgite (TL), Potter Cramer Mine, Maracopa Co., AZ, SW 254nm.jpg
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  • Calcite, Junction Mine, Bisbee, Cochise Co., AZ, natural light.jpg
    Calcite, Junction Mine, Bisbee, Cochise Co., AZ, natural light.jpg
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  • Calcite, Junction Mine, Bisbee, Cochise Co., AZ, MW 310nm.jpg
    Calcite, Junction Mine, Bisbee, Cochise Co., AZ, MW 310nm.jpg
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  • Calcite, Junction Mine, Bisbee, Cochise Co., AZ, SW 254nm.jpg
    Calcite, Junction Mine, Bisbee, Cochise Co., AZ, SW 254nm.jpg
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Here are two fluorescent specimens that have been in the Castle a few days, just His Majesty has been busy with other things!

The first is a hand sized example of Hydrozincite from the Pilgrim Mine, Good Springs District, Clark Co., Nevada. The first picture is in natural light and the 2nd is in SW 254nm. No particular response in MW or LW.

The second specimen is also hand sized and consists of Fluorapatite in a dark matrix from the Franklin Mine, Sussex Co., New Jersey. Again the first picture is in natural light. The second picture is in MW 310nm, and the final picture is in SW 254nm. There is very dim response in LW 365nm in a pale peach color, but KT did not bother trying to take a picture. It is interesting to His Majesty that the MW response is stronger but the same hue of yellow than the SW response.

Enjoy the pictures!


  • Hydrozincite, Pilgrim Mine, Good Springs District, Clark Co., NV, natural light.jpg
    Hydrozincite, Pilgrim Mine, Good Springs District, Clark Co., NV, natural light.jpg
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  • Hydrozincite, Pilgrim Mine, Good Springs District, Clark Co., NV, SW 254nm.jpg
    Hydrozincite, Pilgrim Mine, Good Springs District, Clark Co., NV, SW 254nm.jpg
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  • Fluorapatite, Franklin Mine, Franklin, Sussex Co., NJ, natural light.jpg
    Fluorapatite, Franklin Mine, Franklin, Sussex Co., NJ, natural light.jpg
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  • Fluorapatite, Franklin Mine, Franklin, Sussex Co., NJ, MW 310 nm.jpg
    Fluorapatite, Franklin Mine, Franklin, Sussex Co., NJ, MW 310 nm.jpg
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  • Fluorapatite, Franklin Mine, Franklin, Sussex Co., NJ, SW 254nm.jpg
    Fluorapatite, Franklin Mine, Franklin, Sussex Co., NJ, SW 254nm.jpg
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Two more fluorescent specimens…….

These have been on KT's Royal Work Table a few days. The first specimen is Chalcedony on bladed Calcite from the Blue Bell Claims, Soda Mountains, San Bernardino Co., California. The calcite is non-responsive to UV. The first picture was taken in natural light, the second in LW 365nm, the third in MW 310nm, and the fourth in SW 254nm. Accordingly, the response to LW is weak green, to MW is green, and to SW is washout-the-camera's exposure meter bright green!

The second specimen is Scheelite from the Omega Mine, Helvetia, Pima Co.,Arizona. The first picture is in natural light, the second is in MW310nm, and the third picture is in SW 254nm. LW response was too weak to photograph. The MW response is surprising, being red-orange! SW response is typical strong blue white.

Enjoy the photographs!


  • Scheelite, Omega Mine, Helvetia, Pima Co., AZ SW 254nm.jpg
    Scheelite, Omega Mine, Helvetia, Pima Co., AZ SW 254nm.jpg
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  • Scheelite, Omega Mine, Helvetia, Pima Co., AZ MW 310nm.jpg
    Scheelite, Omega Mine, Helvetia, Pima Co., AZ MW 310nm.jpg
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  • Scheelite, Omega Mine, Helvetia, Pima Co., AZ natural light.jpg
    Scheelite, Omega Mine, Helvetia, Pima Co., AZ natural light.jpg
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  • Chalcedony on calcite, Blue Bell Claims, Soda Mountains, San Bernadino Co., CA, SW 254nm.jpg
    Chalcedony on calcite, Blue Bell Claims, Soda Mountains, San Bernadino Co., CA, SW 254nm.jpg
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  • Chalcedony on calcite, Blue Bell Claims, Soda Mountains, San Bernadino Co., CA, MW 310nm.jpg
    Chalcedony on calcite, Blue Bell Claims, Soda Mountains, San Bernadino Co., CA, MW 310nm.jpg
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  • Chalcedony on calcite, Blue Bell Claims, Soda Mountains, San Bernadino Co., CA, LW 365nm.jpg
    Chalcedony on calcite, Blue Bell Claims, Soda Mountains, San Bernadino Co., CA, LW 365nm.jpg
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  • Chalcedony on calcite, Blue Bell Claims, Soda Mountains, San Bernadino Co., CA, natural light.jpg
    Chalcedony on calcite, Blue Bell Claims, Soda Mountains, San Bernadino Co., CA, natural light.jpg
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This specimen is interesting because all the fluorescent minerals are fine grained. It consists of Sphalerite, Fluorite (a variety known as Chlorophane), and Willemite from Franklin Mine, Franklin, Sussex Co.,New Jersey. It was supposed to have calcite also, but KT saw none!

The first picture is in natural light and appears lighter due to abundant cleavage reflections than the specimen looks in hand. The second picture is in LW 365 and the fluorite displays as pink and blue speckles. The third picture is in MW 310nm, and the sphalerite displays as golden yellow, while the fluorite is blue speckles. The fourth picture is in SW 254nm and the willemite displays its typical green as scattered specks, the sphalerite again is golden yellow specks, and the fluorite is typical blue specks.

Overall, a rather specktacular miniature specimen! HA HA

Enjoy the pictures.


  • Sphalerite, Fluorite, var. Chlorophane, Willemite, Franklin Mine, Franklin, Sussex Co., NJ, SW...jpg
    Sphalerite, Fluorite, var. Chlorophane, Willemite, Franklin Mine, Franklin, Sussex Co., NJ, SW...jpg
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  • Sphalerite, Fluorite, var. Chlorophane, Willemite, Franklin Mine, Franklin, Sussex Co., NJ, MW...jpg
    Sphalerite, Fluorite, var. Chlorophane, Willemite, Franklin Mine, Franklin, Sussex Co., NJ, MW...jpg
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  • Sphalerite, Fluorite, var. Chlorophane, Willemite, Franklin Mine, Franklin, Sussex Co., NJ, LW...jpg
    Sphalerite, Fluorite, var. Chlorophane, Willemite, Franklin Mine, Franklin, Sussex Co., NJ, LW...jpg
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  • Sphalerite, Fluorite, var. Chlorophane, Willemite, Franklin Mine, Franklin, Sussex Co., NJ, na...jpg
    Sphalerite, Fluorite, var. Chlorophane, Willemite, Franklin Mine, Franklin, Sussex Co., NJ, na...jpg
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These two specimens arrived in the Royal mailbox yesterday!

The first is a slice of silicified (chalcedony) coral from Tampa Bay, Tampa, Hilsborough Co., Florida.

The first picture is in natural light, the colors being brown and tan. The second picture is in LW 365nm. The third picture is in MW 310nm, and the fourth in SW 254nm. There are two layers of chalcedony, the early displaying as tan, and the more recent as blue-white to blue. Not a lot of difference in the MW and the SW response from KT's viewpoint!

The second specimen is of a cluster of Kyanite crystals from Sao Jose da Safira, Minas Gerais, Brazil. His Majesty used to see a lot of these types of specimens at Tucson nearly every year. Some of the Kyanite fluoresces a patchy red color. The first picture is in normal light and the second is in LW 365nm.

Enjoy the pictures!


  • Chalcedony, silicified coral slice, Tampa Bay, Tampa, Hilsborough Co., Florida, natural light.jpg
    Chalcedony, silicified coral slice, Tampa Bay, Tampa, Hilsborough Co., Florida, natural light.jpg
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  • Chalcedony, silicified coral slice, Tampa Bay, Tampa, Hilsborough Co., Florida, LW 365nm.jpg
    Chalcedony, silicified coral slice, Tampa Bay, Tampa, Hilsborough Co., Florida, LW 365nm.jpg
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  • Chalcedony, silicified coral slice, Tampa Bay, Tampa, Hilsborough Co., Florida, MW 310nm.jpg
    Chalcedony, silicified coral slice, Tampa Bay, Tampa, Hilsborough Co., Florida, MW 310nm.jpg
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  • Chalcedony, silicified coral slice, Tampa Bay, Tampa, Hilsborough Co., Florida, SW 254nm.jpg
    Chalcedony, silicified coral slice, Tampa Bay, Tampa, Hilsborough Co., Florida, SW 254nm.jpg
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  • Kyanite, Sao Jose da Safira, Minas Geriais, Brazil, Natural light.jpg
    Kyanite, Sao Jose da Safira, Minas Geriais, Brazil, Natural light.jpg
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  • Kyanite, Sao Jose da Safira, Minas Geriais, Brazil, LW 365nm.jpg
    Kyanite, Sao Jose da Safira, Minas Geriais, Brazil, LW 365nm.jpg
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Ray Lynch, a personal friend of His Majesty, brought this specimen by for KT to photograph. It is fluorite in a chalcedony matrix rock from Don Owen’s thesis area, the V-intrusive, Garland Co., Arkansas. This site is interesting as it is the only location in Arkansas that the USGS has confirmed gold from after the major gold scam of the late 1880s across the Ouachita Mountains of Arkansas. The gold is associated with a fluorite-pyrite-chalcedony vein, but it has no commercial value due to its small extent.

The first picture is of the fluorite and matrix in natural light. The second picture is in LW 365nm, and the third is in MW 310nm. The chalcedony has some spotty yellow response in LW, but none in MW. There is no response in SW. KT did notice one small spot of orange in LW, not shown in this view, and suspect it is a grain of calcite.

Enjoy the photographs!


  • Fluorite, V-intrusive, Garland Co., Arkansas, natural light.jpg
    Fluorite, V-intrusive, Garland Co., Arkansas, natural light.jpg
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  • Fluorite, V-intrusive, Garland Co., Arkansas, LW 365nm.jpg
    Fluorite, V-intrusive, Garland Co., Arkansas, LW 365nm.jpg
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  • Fluorite, V-intrusive, Garland Co., Arkansas, MW 310nm.jpg
    Fluorite, V-intrusive, Garland Co., Arkansas, MW 310nm.jpg
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Today KT has a specimen that arrived in the mail and one He personally collected on a trip to the Diamond Jo Quarry, back on Oct. 2nd, 2023, the day before the start of the CUSMS gathering in Arkansas.

The first specimen consists of a rich patch of Clinohedrite with some Willemite from the Franklin Mining District, Franklin, Sussex County, New Jersey.

The first picture is in natural light, the second in LW 365nm, and the third in SW 254nm. Much stronger response in SW, and little to no response in MW 310nm, therefore no picture in that wavelength was taken.

The second specimen is one of a grab sample KT collected last year when the CUSMS group visited the Diamond Jo Quarry at Magnet Cove, Hot Spring County, Arkansas. He picked up 5 pieces of rock and only this one fluoresced. This is a small chip from a larger cabinet sized piece that His Majesty broke in half...the chips and one half the specimen will go to the USGS for a full chemical analysis as part of a project We are involved with with the Office of State Geologist, and the USGS. From its texture, KT suspects it is a dike rock, but cannot be certain as it was a loose piece on the quarry floor.

That aside, the first picture is in natural light, the second in LW 365nm, presenting the orange response of the sodalite, and the third picture is in SW 254nm, with the K-feldspar giving a nice red response. One of these days, His Majesty will have to get permission from the owners of this site to let Him explore it at night, preferably on a moonless night!

Enjoy the pictures!


  • Clinohedrite  with Willemite, Franklin Min. Dist., Franklin, Sussex Co., NJ, natural light.jpg
    Clinohedrite with Willemite, Franklin Min. Dist., Franklin, Sussex Co., NJ, natural light.jpg
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  • Clinohedrite  with Willemite, Franklin Min. Dist., Franklin, Sussex Co., NJ, LW 365nm.jpg
    Clinohedrite with Willemite, Franklin Min. Dist., Franklin, Sussex Co., NJ, LW 365nm.jpg
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  • Clinohedrite  with Willemite, Franklin Min. Dist., Franklin, Sussex Co., NJ, SW 254nm.jpg
    Clinohedrite with Willemite, Franklin Min. Dist., Franklin, Sussex Co., NJ, SW 254nm.jpg
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  • Sodalite Syenite, Diamond Jo Qy., MC, Hot Spring Co., AR, natural light.jpg
    Sodalite Syenite, Diamond Jo Qy., MC, Hot Spring Co., AR, natural light.jpg
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  • Sodalite Syenite, Diamond Jo Qy., MC, Hot Spring Co., AR, LW 365nm.jpg
    Sodalite Syenite, Diamond Jo Qy., MC, Hot Spring Co., AR, LW 365nm.jpg
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  • Sodalite Syenite, Diamond Jo Qy., MC, Hot Spring Co., AR, SW 254nm.jpg
    Sodalite Syenite, Diamond Jo Qy., MC, Hot Spring Co., AR, SW 254nm.jpg
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Arriving today was a specimen of blue & white sapphire, a variety of Corundum, in a mica matrix from Ab-i-Panja, Isbkashim District, Badakhshan Province, Afghanistan. The first picture is in natural light, the second is in LW 365nm, and the third is in MW 310nm. No response to SW 254nm.

Essentially all corundum that fluoresces red is considered ruby, but anything that fluoresces other colors, including pink or orange is called sapphire. An interesting specimen from a land far far away!

Enjoy the pictures!


  • Corundum, var. sapphire, Ab-i-Panja, Isbkashim District, Badakhshan Province, Afghanistan, nat...jpg
    Corundum, var. sapphire, Ab-i-Panja, Isbkashim District, Badakhshan Province, Afghanistan, nat...jpg
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  • Corundum, var. sapphire, Ab-i-Panja, Isbkashim District, Badakhshan Province, Afghanistan, LW ...jpg
    Corundum, var. sapphire, Ab-i-Panja, Isbkashim District, Badakhshan Province, Afghanistan, LW ...jpg
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  • Corundum, var. sapphire, Ab-i-Panja, Isbkashim District, Badakhshan Province, Afghanistan, MW ...jpg
    Corundum, var. sapphire, Ab-i-Panja, Isbkashim District, Badakhshan Province, Afghanistan, MW ...jpg
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Another specimen from the Sterling Hill Mine, Sussex Co., New Jersey!

This is what the local collectors call “Mahogany” Sphalerite. It is Sphalerite and this specimen has a complex texture as revealed by all 3 UV wavelength lamps.

The first picture is in natural light, the second in LW 365nm, the third is in MW 310nm, and the fourth is in SW 254nm. The specimen contains both fine-grained sphalerite with a network of thin sphalerite veins revealed in the LW image. The earlier formed sphalerite is not responsive in MW, but the later veins are, shown in the MW image. The SW image reveals a scattering of Willemite grains (green), not responsive in either LW or MW, although both the matrix and veins of sphalerite are responding with a typical orange color in SW.

Enjoy the pictures!


  • Sphalerite, Sterling Hill Mine, Ogdensburg, Sussex Co., NJ, natural light.jpg
    Sphalerite, Sterling Hill Mine, Ogdensburg, Sussex Co., NJ, natural light.jpg
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  • Sphalerite, Sterling Hill Mine, Ogdensburg, Sussex Co., NJ, LW 365nm.jpg
    Sphalerite, Sterling Hill Mine, Ogdensburg, Sussex Co., NJ, LW 365nm.jpg
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  • Sphalerite, Sterling Hill Mine, Ogdensburg, Sussex Co., NJ, MW 310nm.jpg
    Sphalerite, Sterling Hill Mine, Ogdensburg, Sussex Co., NJ, MW 310nm.jpg
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  • Sphalerite, Sterling Hill Mine, Ogdensburg, Sussex Co., NJ, SW 254nm.jpg
    Sphalerite, Sterling Hill Mine, Ogdensburg, Sussex Co., NJ, SW 254nm.jpg
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First there is a specimen of Sellaite and Fluorite (MgF and CaF) from the Fontsante Mine, Draguiguan, Var, Provence Alps-Cote d’Azur, France. In this specimen the first picture shows that both minerals are massive and white to cream in color as KT could not tell one from the other! The second picture is in LW 365nm and it is easily noted the sellaite is slight yellowish cream and the fluorite is blue. The third picture is in MW 310nm and shows the stellaite at a cream white, whereas the fluorite is a weak gray, if fluorescing at all. The fourth picture is in SW 254nm and the stellaite has a slight yellowish cream response, the fluorite is again negligible in response. KT had never heard of the mineral stellaite and found it interesting to be a Mg analog of fluorite!

The second specimen is a miniature of blue Lazurite in a matrix of Sodalite and Phlogopite from Badakhshan Province, Afghanistan. The first picture is in natural light. The second is in LW 365nm and even tho the Lazurite is unresponsive, the Sodalite is a nice orange. The third picture is in MW 310nm. Both the Lazurite and Sodalite are unresponsive, but the Phlogopite is an interesting greenish yellow. The final picture is in SW 254nm, and shows the backside of the specimen with a nice cleavage face of the Phlogopite responding in a pale yellow. Neither the Lazurite nor the Sodalite was responsive to SW UV.

Enjoy the photos!


  • Sellaite & Fluorite, Fontsante Mine, Draguignan, Var, Provence Alps-Cote d'Azur, France, natur...jpg
    Sellaite & Fluorite, Fontsante Mine, Draguignan, Var, Provence Alps-Cote d'Azur, France, natur...jpg
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  • Sellaite & Fluorite, Fontsante Mine, Draguignan, Var, Provence Alps-Cote d'Azur, France, LW 36...jpg
    Sellaite & Fluorite, Fontsante Mine, Draguignan, Var, Provence Alps-Cote d'Azur, France, LW 36...jpg
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  • Sellaite & Fluorite, Fontsante Mine, Draguignan, Var, Provence Alps-Cote d'Azur, France, MW 31...jpg
    Sellaite & Fluorite, Fontsante Mine, Draguignan, Var, Provence Alps-Cote d'Azur, France, MW 31...jpg
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  • Sellaite & Fluorite, Fontsante Mine, Draguignan, Var, Provence Alps-Cote d'Azur, France, SW 25...jpg
    Sellaite & Fluorite, Fontsante Mine, Draguignan, Var, Provence Alps-Cote d'Azur, France, SW 25...jpg
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  • Lazurite spots in sodalite on phlogopite, Badakhshan, Afghanistan, natural light.jpg
    Lazurite spots in sodalite on phlogopite, Badakhshan, Afghanistan, natural light.jpg
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  • Lazurite spots in sodalite on phlogopite, Badakhshan, Afghanistan, LW 365nm.jpg
    Lazurite spots in sodalite on phlogopite, Badakhshan, Afghanistan, LW 365nm.jpg
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  • Lazurite spots in sodalite on phlogopite, Badakhshan, Afghanistan, MW 310nm.jpg
    Lazurite spots in sodalite on phlogopite, Badakhshan, Afghanistan, MW 310nm.jpg
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  • Lazurite spots in sodalite on phlogopite, Badakhshan, Afganistan, reverse side, SW 254nm.jpg
    Lazurite spots in sodalite on phlogopite, Badakhshan, Afganistan, reverse side, SW 254nm.jpg
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Another interesting specimen from the Franklin, NJ, area.

This specimen consists of Fluorite, var. Chlorophane, Fluorapatite, and Willemite from the Taylor Road Dump site, Franklin, Sussex Co., New Jersey. The first picture is in natural light and looks pretty underwhelming, in KT's opinion! HA HA The second picture is in LW 365nm, and at first KT thought He was just viewing reflected light off the specimen, however, as the Royal Eyes became better adjusted to the dark, He realized the matrix chlorophane had quite a bit of blue response, typical of fluorite from many localities. The third picture is in MW 310nm and His Majesty was shocked, no fluorite or willemite response, but a strong orange response by the Fluorapatite! The fourth picture is in SW 254nm, and the willemite is its typical green response, the fluorapatite has a distinctive yellow response color and the Chlorophane is a decent pale blue. His Majesty likes this specimen because for a dark non-descript rock in natural light, it really shows off in SW UV!

Enjoy the pictures!


  • Fluorite, var. chlorophane, Fluorapatite, Willemite, Taylor Road Dump, Sussex Co., NJ, natural...jpg
    Fluorite, var. chlorophane, Fluorapatite, Willemite, Taylor Road Dump, Sussex Co., NJ, natural...jpg
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  • Fluorite, var. chlorophane, Fluorapatite, Willemite, Taylor Road Dump, Franklin, Sussex Co., N...jpg
    Fluorite, var. chlorophane, Fluorapatite, Willemite, Taylor Road Dump, Franklin, Sussex Co., N...jpg
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  • Fluorite, var. chlorophane, Fluorapatite, Willemite, Taylor Road Dump, Franklin, Sussex Co., N...jpg
    Fluorite, var. chlorophane, Fluorapatite, Willemite, Taylor Road Dump, Franklin, Sussex Co., N...jpg
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  • Fluorite, var. chlorophane, Fluorapatite, Willemite, Taylor Road Dump, Franklin, Sussex Co., N...jpg
    Fluorite, var. chlorophane, Fluorapatite, Willemite, Taylor Road Dump, Franklin, Sussex Co., N...jpg
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This specimen arrived all the way from Pakistan in the Royal Mailbox today!

A specimen of purple Sodalite, var. termed Hackmanite by UV specialists, but not a recognised separate species by the IMA. This example shows crystals scattered throughout a marble matrix from an Unnamed richterite occurrence, Ladjuar Medam, Sar-e-Sang, Kuran wa Murjan District, Badakhshan Province, Afghanistan.

The first image is in natural light, the second in LW 365nm, and the third in SW 254nm. Essentially no response in MW. The response is so weak in SW that KT thought about not even showing it….very pale weak orange is seen after getting one’s eyes adjusted to the photograph. HA HA.

This site, according to Mindat.org has yielded some of the best tenebrescent specimens of Sodalite thus far. There are at least a dozen photo examples in the Hackmanite Gallery on Mindat.org.


  • Sodalite, var. hackmanite in marble, Ladjuar Medam, Sar-e-Sang, Badakhshan Prov., Afgh., natur...jpg
    Sodalite, var. hackmanite in marble, Ladjuar Medam, Sar-e-Sang, Badakhshan Prov., Afgh., natur...jpg
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  • Sodalite, var. hackmanite in marble, Ladjuar Medam, Sar-e-Sang, Badakhshan Prov., Afgh., LW 36...jpg
    Sodalite, var. hackmanite in marble, Ladjuar Medam, Sar-e-Sang, Badakhshan Prov., Afgh., LW 36...jpg
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  • Sodalite, var. hackmanite in marble, Ladjuar Medam, Sar-e-Sang, Badakhshan Prov., Afgh., SW 25...jpg
    Sodalite, var. hackmanite in marble, Ladjuar Medam, Sar-e-Sang, Badakhshan Prov., Afgh., SW 25...jpg
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Three specimens appeared in the Royal Mailbox today and 8 photos were taken of the remarkable marble at the Long Lake Zinc Mine, Parham, Olden Township, Frontenac County, Ontario, Canada.

The first specimen pictured is a classic “starry sky” example and consists of fine-grained Chondrodite and Diopside, set in a Calcite marble. The first picture is in natural light (all minerals appear white), the second in SW 254nm (the Diopside responds blue white, the Chondrodite is yellow, and the Calcite responds red. The third picture is in MW 310nm and only the calcite is responsive as pale reddish.

The second specimen consists of banded Calcite and Chondrodite. The first picture is in natural light (again all minerals white), the second picture is in SW 254nm and the Calcite responds red, with the Chondrodite showing as yellow. The third picture is MW 310 and the Calcite is tangerine; no response from the Chondrodite.

The final specimen is predominantly Diopside bands in Calcite with very minor Chondrodite as scattered small grains. The first picture is in natural light (white) and the second picture is in SW 254nm where the Diopside is blue white, the Calcite is red, and the very few Chondrodite grains are yellow. A nice banded effect, also.

This is an interesting locality, having been an underground mine, with all the waste rock dumped in piles on the surface. The primary ore wasmartite, an Fe-rich Sphalerite, that exhibits no fluorescence. Iwonder who was the first collector to wander across these dumps at night and see all this waste rock with a fluorescent light!? Or did someone just collect some white marble samples and discover the fluorescence after they returned home? These minerals have been called as having pastel fluorescence when compared to those of the New Jersey mines in Sussex County, but they do have some outstanding textures in their own right!

Enjoy the pictures!


  • Chondrite and Diopside on Calcite (marble), Long Lake Zn Mine, Parham, Olden Twsp., Frontenac ...jpg
    Chondrite and Diopside on Calcite (marble), Long Lake Zn Mine, Parham, Olden Twsp., Frontenac ...jpg
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  • Chondrite and Diopside on Calcite (marble), Long Lake Zn Mine, Parham, Olden Twsp., Frontenac ...jpg
    Chondrite and Diopside on Calcite (marble), Long Lake Zn Mine, Parham, Olden Twsp., Frontenac ...jpg
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  • Chondrite and Diopside on Calcite (marble), Long Lake Zn Mine, Parham, Olden Twsp., Frontenac ...jpg
    Chondrite and Diopside on Calcite (marble), Long Lake Zn Mine, Parham, Olden Twsp., Frontenac ...jpg
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  • Chondrite and Calcite (marble), Long Lake Zn Mine, Parham, Olden Twsp., Frontenac Co., Ont., C...jpg
    Chondrite and Calcite (marble), Long Lake Zn Mine, Parham, Olden Twsp., Frontenac Co., Ont., C...jpg
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  • Chondrite and Calcite (marble), Long Lake Zn Mine, Parham, Olden Twsp., Frontenac Co., Ont., C...jpg
    Chondrite and Calcite (marble), Long Lake Zn Mine, Parham, Olden Twsp., Frontenac Co., Ont., C...jpg
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  • Chondrite and Calcite (marble), Long Lake Zn Mine, Parham, Olden Twsp., Frontenac Co., Ont., C...jpg
    Chondrite and Calcite (marble), Long Lake Zn Mine, Parham, Olden Twsp., Frontenac Co., Ont., C...jpg
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  • Diopside, Calcite and Chondrodite in marble, Long Lake Zn Mine, Parham, Olden Twsp., Frontenac...jpg
    Diopside, Calcite and Chondrodite in marble, Long Lake Zn Mine, Parham, Olden Twsp., Frontenac...jpg
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  • Diopside, Calcite and Chondrodite in marble, Long Lake Zn Mine, Parham, Olden Twsp., Frontenac...jpg
    Diopside, Calcite and Chondrodite in marble, Long Lake Zn Mine, Parham, Olden Twsp., Frontenac...jpg
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