Spring Dig


Junior Member
Oct 12, 2007
Coast of Maine
Well, I've been away for the winter.. here in Maine, snow and rock solid ground prevent any detector work... But spring is here and the hunt is on...!

I am re building the door yard area of our colonial home and so the task of soil removal sifting and detecting has begun.

Here is a very uncommon find... it's a thimble ring. Before the days of wedding bands in the 17th and early-mid 18th century couples often exchanged thimbles rather than rings in a wedding ceremony. The women often cut off the base of the thimble and used it as a wedding ring. Most often they are made simple common metals such as copper or other alloys used in utilitarian objects like thimbles. You can see the simple ridge decoration which is common on thimbles

Since most often they were buried with the person, they are rare historical finds... this one was found just outside the cookery door. I don't believe they are worth much $$ as they are not made of silver or gold, but we are going to keep this one with the house mini museum curio finds.



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Very interesting Don, thanks for that! Sounds like you live in an amazing place with some really old treasure to be found!!:yes:
Extra info.

Wedding rings worn by both sexes are actually largely a post WWI habit with the men going over seas to fight they (men) started wearing rings to remind them of their wives at home. Previous to WWI men often did not wear a ring to signify they were married.

Precious metal rings as we use today... in the 18th and even 19th century would have been widely considered as a self indulgent waste and thus a simple thimble was given sometimes by the man to his new wife and sometimes they were exchanged by both man and woman.

Thanks for sharing the find with us:yes: . Some of my most valuable finds aren't worth much money, but are very special to me. It's hard to put a price on history and sentimental value on some of our finds.
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