Slap fighting


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Jan 10, 2006
Grayling, MI.
I must live under a rock. I just saw this on the news a couple nights ago and I guess it is an actual sport.:boxing::wow2: This, IMHO is the dumbest thing they could come out with. I would be very hard pressed to just stand there and let someone whap me upside the head. :blink: This sport must have started at the academy awards with Will Smith.:rofl2: If you haven't seen it go to YT and look it up. especially the ones done in slomo.
It's actually been around for a while. I will agree with everything you said about it. It goes back to "Play stupid games, win stupid prizes".
I must live under a rock. I just saw this on the news a couple nights ago and I guess it is an actual sport.:boxing::wow2: This, IMHO is the dumbest thing they could come out with. I would be very hard pressed to just stand there and let someone whap me upside the head. :blink: This sport must have started at the academy awards with Will Smith.:rofl2: If you haven't seen it go to YT and look it up. especially the ones done in slomo.

I think its a great idea Bill... helps to weed out the neanderthals in society :yes:
Well I have been called a Neanderthal before but I ain't gonna stand there and let someone slap me upside the head, no sir.:rofl2:
And how is it any different than boxing? (The technical kind) Either way, the participants are penned in, getting smacked around, for what? A spectator sport and money? Sounds pretty silly to me.

And how is it any different than boxing?
In boxing you really need to defend yourself and try really hard to out box your opponent. This stupid so called sport, you have to just stand there and hope like heck your opponent is a weakling and don't knock your head off. Besides the obvious, they hit you in the side of your head and if they miss the mark and hit you in the ear, the blow will probably blow your eardrum. How cool is that.:frustrated::blink:
I must live under a rock. I just saw this on the news a couple nights ago and I guess it is an actual sport.:boxing::wow2: This, IMHO is the dumbest thing they could come out with. I would be very hard pressed to just stand there and let someone whap me upside the head. :blink: This sport must have started at the academy awards with Will Smith.:rofl2: If you haven't seen it go to YT and look it up. especially the ones done in slomo.
Love MMA but the slap thing is plain STUPID.. especially for the money being payed .. I read it like 2,000 to show and 2 more to win.. NOT worth it
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