RESULTS: FMDF Gift Exchange 2012

My EXCELLENT gift arrived the other day. It was funny because I was looking at Gunrunner's thread about his GPP mounts last's like Jody Is a mind reader...because that's what I got.

Excellent piece of work Gunrunner!

Thanks Jody! :D



gift from Buzz Wilson : )

Buzz and I decided to be gift exchange partners, after I learned he had been left out, and today I received my gift from him. I'm the lucky owner of one of his FAMOUS leather sheaths, for holding the Lesche digger and Pro-pointer! It's the best! : ) Thanks a bunch, Buzz. I'm one happy lady now.


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Relic Hunter Book!!!!

Received my gift today from Didymus and it is awesome!!!! Thanks!!!


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Hope I'm Not Too Late To Post What I Received!

Here is what I received from SolCalPete (Pete):

1908 V Nickel
1968 Proof George Washington Quarter
1966 Kennedy Half
1943D Steel Penny
1944 Mercury Dime

And the best one is a Great Britain 1697 William III Sixpence (In the plastic case). It has an error -- (Gvlielmvs III as it reads has an error and the first "V" is an inverted "A"). SUPER COOL!

All the coins were "found" coins except the quarter (got it in a roll changed to do laundry he said). :laughing:

What a super gift this all was! I was waiting to post it after I knew he received what I sent him. That arrived today so maybe he will post his gift. Thank you Pete for such an awesome gift. The 1697 coin is my OLDEST ever! Super! Wow! THANK YOU!


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Thats awsome penny and the coins are great!!! I wish I could post pics like you do.

My pictures are easy to do -- invest in Paint Shop Pro (I use Ver. 8) or a GOOD photo program. Take the picture of your find(s) using a nice background (piece of velvet or felt). Then open in the photo program and select a border (narrow) save it then select another border (contrasting color -- a little wider) and save that -- adding text is optional! Good Luck (I was lazy in this picture -- didn't use a background or border! :roll:
Got my gift today

Excellent gifts from Pa Hunter.. Great set of new Koss headphones and new digital scales ( brother inlaw swiped my old ones ) Thank You Sir ..can't wait till next year.


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received my gift from Clifftronics today. It includes a small bag of wheaties/IH's/buffaloes & other assorted coins. Several W/E Treasure mags, a tool belt, finds pouch & other neat goodies were enclosed.


Great gift & thank you Clifftronics.
Looking forward to doing it again next year..........see ya yardhunter
I hope you enjoy everything yardhunter, I got your gift yestrerday and will post when I get a chance, thank you. this was fun and cant wait till next year to do it again. I love being a part of this forum...GL+HH TO ALL IN 2013.....cliffy.
All gifts should have been sent and received by now!

If your exchange partner has not followed through, please send me a PM.
Wowzers! Got my gift from Perquimans!

My gift arrived from Perquimans Saturday but I didn't find out until today.

Wowzers! :extrahappy:Silver! and more silver!

Fantastic! Incredible! Unbelievable!
Seriously, this was way more than I could ever have expected!
This is going to look great hanging in my office.
Thank you Perquimans!


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Thanks Carol and Vlad for taking the time to put this together. It looks like everyone is very happy with the gifts they received, I know I am.
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