Question regarding advanced Equinox 800 settings

Matt (NH)

Senior Member
Oct 15, 2014
This question is for you that primarily use the Minelab Equinox 800. I am new to the machine and noticed after adjusting the iron bias/f2 settings (which is the advanced option of off recovery speed, It will not let me go back in a second time if I want to make changes. Only way is to factory preset the machine. Is their something I am missing here?

After I set up the machine it will not let me go back in and let me adjust it again. I was using park 2 when this happened. When I went back in to make changes it just beeped and stayed at the recovery speed. I did hold down the setting button.

Thanks for any help,

Hey Matt !

While I do use the Nox 800, so far I have stuck to one if the basic preset modes, usually "Park 1" about 95% of the time because of my usual detecting locations, so while I can't offer advice yet on specialized settings, maybe one of these video clips someone made might offer some help -

Short but very helpful tutorials on the Equinox series:

(they cover both the 600 and 800)

If no answer to your question there I am sure another member might be able to help.
This question is for you that primarily use the Minelab Equinox 800. I am new to the machine and noticed after adjusting the iron bias/f2 settings (which is the advanced option of off recovery speed, It will not let me go back in a second time if I want to make changes. Only way is to factory preset the machine. Is their something I am missing here?

After I set up the machine it will not let me go back in and let me adjust it again. I was using park 2 when this happened. When I went back in to make changes it just beeped and stayed at the recovery speed. I did hold down the setting button.

Thanks for any help,


Just checked my unit.
I can go back and change iron bias setting after adjusting(setting) and then go to detect screen, then go back and open up iron bias and yes I can adjust. No need for me to do reset.

Reread your post (problem description).
You have to hit cog looking button (top center button) when speed is displayed in order to open up iron bias option.
Thank you for the response. Let me explain with a little more detail.

I start up the machine, noise cancel/ground balance, etc...

I adjust (tweak) my settings. When I go back to the advanced (iron bias/F2) setting after adjusting it once it just beeps and I can't get back into it unless I factory preset. I am hitting and holding the cog button (center top). I can go in and adjust any other advanced setting...its just the iron bias wont let me. Not sure why?
Thank you for the response. Let me explain with a little more detail.

I start up the machine, noise cancel/ground balance, etc...

I adjust (tweak) my settings. When I go back to the advanced (iron bias/F2) setting after adjusting it once it just beeps and I can't get back into it unless I factory preset. I am hitting and holding the cog button (center top). I can go in and adjust any other advanced setting...its just the iron bias wont let me. Not sure why?

When you back to change your F2 settings you didn't happen to change to single frequency before you attempted that, did you?
You can only adjust that setting in multi.
Thank you for the response. Let me explain with a little more detail.

I start up the machine, noise cancel/ground balance, etc...

I adjust (tweak) my settings. When I go back to the advanced (iron bias/F2) setting after adjusting it once it just beeps and I can't get back into it unless I factory preset. I am hitting and holding the cog button (center top). I can go in and adjust any other advanced setting...its just the iron bias wont let me. Not sure why?
I seem to be able to make adjustments on mine without issue as long as I leave the Iron Bias setting in the advanced F2 mode,, if you are leaving it in the advanced mode and it still doesn't work, You might try to uninstall and re install the update. Make sure you factory reset , then Uninstall, do another factory reset, then re install, then another factory reset.
When you back to change your F2 settings you didn't happen to change to single frequency before you attempted that, did you?
You can only adjust that setting in multi.

You nailed it! That's exactly where I went wrong. I just got off the phone with Minelab tech support and they said only works in multi. I knew it was something I was doing wrong. :roll:

I am new to the machine but so far I am very impressed. Thanks for the help guys!


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