Question for you D2 users

There will be occasions where pinpoint is tough to do and be accurate. Same goes for trying to dig under center of coil where best achievable signal is gotten.
Things that will drive - detection spot vs where target is? Freq used mono program, max freq used FMF, reactivity setting of detector, size of coil, amount of notch used ( depending on total nonferrous target layout ((conductivity levels)) in area where detection occurs.
The deeper a detected target gets. The more in line will be the spot of detection vs where target is under coil. When we consider possible maskers (ferrous and nonferrous).
I use all three methods. There are good reasons to use them and not exclude one or two of them. I only use the pull back method on shallower targets.
I can't personally think of a good reason for myself to ever use them. I can cross pinpoint without switching to pinpoint mode in like .5 seconds. I don't see any advantages to the other methods in terms of time saved nor accuracy, really only downsides. Missed pinpoints cost you time and energy and have the possibility to damage your target.

Granted, I do think people should use their detector however they want and pinpoint however they want, especially if accuracy doesn't matter a bunch and they aren't concerned with time. The hobby doesn't have to be a speedrun to extract as many targets in a given time period to maximize expected value.
I can't personally think of a good reason for myself to ever use them. I can cross pinpoint without switching to pinpoint mode in like .5 seconds. I don't see any advantages to the other methods in terms of time saved nor accuracy, really only downsides. Missed pinpoints cost you time and energy and have the possibility to damage your target.

Granted, I do think people should use their detector however they want and pinpoint however they want, especially if accuracy doesn't matter a bunch and they aren't concerned with time. The hobby doesn't have to be a speedrun to extract as many targets in a given time period to maximize expected value.
Around 80% of my detecting is done in places with digging restrictions as in no shovels or anything that remotely looks like a shovel including handheld Lesche type diggers. The X method is not the best for me in that case and for deeper targets the onboard pinpoint function rules. Currently, I don’t even own an actual metal detecting specific shovel.
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