Public Schools

If the schools seem to allow (in actual practice) others to go to the school yard after-hours, then ...... so be it. I mean: like if you see persons shoot hoops, or jog the track, etc... there, then .... shucks, did they need permission to do those things ? If so, sure: ask away. But if not ....... well ... so be it.
....Their personal police never stop me or even talk to me ....

The average reasonable person would interpret that to mean: that it must, therefore "be ok" eh ? Afterall, if something were wrong with what you were doing, then *certainly* someone would have said something by now, eh ?
the principle does not have control over the schools. it is the "super intendant of schools" but as the others have said, I'd just go for it.. the worst they could do is as you to stop and leave.. Now if you were to be carrying a baby in your arms or a golf club,, there would be no question,, But a MD,, your in trouble deep !! :lol:

The problem is the "Hair Up There" theorem.. Most could care less if you MD, but it only takes one with a hair up there to cause trouble (not enough loving as a child) and they could be a stinker and cause all sorts of problems..
Its easier to ask forgiveness than to ask for permission.. Do so until you can find the right person to give permission and then go back and do it again..

We just got a new super intendant of school here.. the old one said I could MD only on week ends.. New one says nights after 5pm and week ends.. BUt if I have a child with me,, I can anytime.. Go figure..
The principal at a school where I used to work/volunteer I'm sure doesn't like me on the playground very much. But.....since the playground is shared between the school district and the park district, he can kiss my (_!_).

I still skip any part of the school grounds that are not controlled by the park district unless I get personal permission from those in charge. In this case, I plead my case to the superintendent of schools because he trumps any opinion some tight-ass principal might have.

In any case, I still only go on weekends and also keep my eye open for a lone car parked near the entrance. A sure sign the principal is working weekends.
When I hunt schools, it is always on the weekend and only when there is no function going on at the school. If there is a sporting event, a bake sale, or even a debate club shout fest, I stay away from the school. Even on the weekend, I hit them either early, or in the early evening when the school is guaranteed not to be in use.
I was told by a lot of nieghbors that everyone uses our schools. I observed for awhile and noticed people were all over the fields and courts after school hours and weekends. I usually go weekends and have had no worries yet. If trouble comes I believe it'll be from one of those big nosed locals that think detectorists are literally " Taking it to the bank". Making big bucks on lost jewelry , gaining something the complaner is not. Jealousy!! The ole "Green Monster" is usually the real cause of complaints. I too do not hunt a school when anything is going on or more than a couple people are there.
I wouldn't suggest digging in the turf where the football games are played. I tried that...once :wow:
You go to public schools when not in session. Don't ask any principal b/c you will get a no, Weekends are the best, by the way,

"I lost my wedding ring while running and I am looking for it!!!"
Public schools are public property and they are paid for with your tax dollars. It's your school, detect away.

I've never had any problems at public schools. I've even had a maintenance guy come out and ask if I was finding anything once.
Originally Posted by Silverfishin View Post
I dont ask to detect public places, it drums up questionable thinking

oh me oh my -Tom

I'm with Silverfishin. Not to say anything against Tom but some of us don't always ask if we think it is okay. :D
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