OK, So I Know It's A Ring ... but


Full Member
May 13, 2008
Lena, IL (NW Corner)
I know, I know .... it's a ring. But I need some help with determining if it's junk or silver.

I found this in the yard of the house behind me. I apologize for the limited pictures, but I had to use my scanner because it appears as though my youngest daughter has misplaced my camera!:?:

I tried to include some details that may come in handy for the ring pros ....

I have tried the aluminum foil and spit method with no success. By no success, I mean the ring did not give off a rotten egg smell, but I then tried a silver dime and Tonka's silver ring and did not get a bad smell either. However, when we use the Barber Half we found, it most definately gives off a nasty smell. (if you have never heard of the above mentioned test, I read it on here so I am not the crazy one!)

Anyway, any suggestions or methods for getting an answer on this ring?


Nothing stamped on the inside? Then it's a 75% chance it's not silver.

Drop it in a little dish of bleach. It is starts to tarnish then it is silver.
If you apply French's Yellow Mustard and heat it the object, it will sometimes turn black if it's silver. You have to heat the object, not the mustard; and supposedly only French's Yellow mustard work because of its ingredients. I've found that it's not 100%, so it may only work with a certain % silver content. Don't heat it so hot that so melt the solder. CT
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