Man Caught Digging For Treasure In Cemetery !

Ok. We will just call it greed theen. When someone thinks a coin or ring in a graveyard would be better off in their own personal collection ( thats where personal gain comes in ) . But i understand what you are saying
I am in charge of caring for my church's cemetery and have even been asked by the pastor why I haven't detected the cemetery and my response has always been out of respect for the dead. So even with a pastors permission I couldn't bring myself to search it just doesn't feel right.

We have a really really old one - I am dying (pardon the pun) to know what is in there. Graves back to the 1700's, now barely readable. If I was told I could, which in this case that would not happen - I might feel gung ho until I actually got IN there. Then I could see myself feeling like you. I read one person who said they hunted AROUND the outside of one, the fence line and did well. I've had spirits follow me home from Gettysburg twice already :lol: and all I was doing was a little evp taping. If I were in some cemetery digging, I'd probably wind up with a crowd following me to my house. :shock:

Plus, anything cool in there might wind up being like the Hope Diamond - bring calamity on anyone who 'owns' it.
Years ago while hunting some vacant forrest type land, I found a lead or pewter
type plaque.. I brought it home but after awhile it seemed to me may be part of a grave marker.

I was not positive what it was but it gave me the creeps I returned and burried it back where I dug it the next morning.

I have also found burial tags in the middle of nowhere needless to say they stayed where I dug them, though at first it looked like a gold coin.

If we hunt a lot weird stuff usually shows up. I agree no one should disturd the dead.
I once was called to find a grave of a young child that this guys uncle had lost many years ago. This was an old cemetery way out in the country and was badly overgrown. He said he thought the grave site only had a metal plate marking it. We searched for about an hour and only found small metal markers with numbers that marked the grave sites. I was still very uneasy about being there and was glad to get out of there.
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