Good new from my Doctor


Elite Member
Mar 26, 2006
upstate New York
Hi all, I got scoped this morning by my doctor. I have had kidney stones for along time and was "blasted" twice in the past. As some of you know I was recently taken to the hospital and had to get stints in my heart (all is well with that) and the heart doctor told me I had a kidney that might not be working (I didn't mention to him about any kidney problems & not sure why a heart doctor would of even noticed it) but anyways after my scoping this morning my kidney doctor told me that I was born with a small amount of blockage in both my kidneys and they are functioning correctly and not to worry about anything. He told me I won't have to see him any more unless I have a problem that comes up in the future. What a relief. Steve.

All of you in the medical profession - my hat is off to you, I know you all get some grief at times but I for one know you are there to help. I wish you all could meet my doctor - is not only a great doctor he is also a great guy. He treats everyone the same, me not having alot of money and on insurance that only a person that doesn't have alot of money can get & he treats me like a king, takes whatever amount of time is needed to explain something to me no matter how many patients he has. I think it helps a great deal to like your doctor.

Oops just noticed the title of my post - it should of said Good news not Good new (anesthetics hasn't wore off yet).

My second bestest doc in the whole wide world is Epi, seriously though Epi (a member here on the forum) is great - I have pm'd her questions in the past and she is a wealth of information and seems to be a very caring person. Thanks to you Epi!!!
Grat's on the clean bill of health!
I haven't seen a doctor in a while. Not that I don't like them, I just don't like going to see them.
That must be a great relief for you.

Good health is something we take for granted, but it's not until we have a problem, that we appreciate the fact.
Hmm... stones are no joke man, I hope I never get one. But reminds me I do need to get a kindney function test... my last one had some high tarces of stuff it shouldn't.
Good for you Steve! I agree with you about Epi. You can tell she's a good doctor - her questions are amazing. If I ever end-up in an ambulance, think I'll ask them to take the scenic route down to Epi's place and hope she's on duty.
That sure is good news. A caring doctor makes all the difference in the world, glad you are good to go, Steve in so az
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