First hunt since quarantine:


Elite Member
Feb 16, 2012
Got out for a few minutes on the property here at the apartment complex just for fun. Found a twist top Pepsi cap a pull tab and some aluminum siding and then 6 well corroded zincons and a quarter! Not much but at least I got to play for a little while. Just wanted to see if my strength would hold up. So tomorrow I'll hit one of the playgrounds at one of the schools. Wish me luck at least I'm going to be able to get out. But I understand that from about Christmas Eve through the day after Christmas is going to be in the teens here. No hunting will be done then!
It didn't happen I didn't get to get out the next day but it looks like I might get to go tomorrow I hope!
Well, seeing as how TN is east of the Mississippi, then as long as you keep hitting those modern apartment complexes, you will eventually find an LC . Keep it up ! :cool3:
Well, seeing as how TN is east of the Mississippi, then as long as you keep hitting those modern apartment complexes, you will eventually find an LC . Keep it up ! :cool3:

There is a farm field right next door but I don't know how old it is no one can seem to tell me if there has been a house on the property at any time in the last hundred years. But I'm going to pound it good when weather permits -- we are due for thunderstorms either tonight or tomorrow with possibly very bad weather included. But I'm going out today to another location.

(I was able however to get out yesterday the 29th for about 2 hours which netted me $0.62 and a pile of trash -- the trip was trash pick-up day LOL.)
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