Dug up a coin i never imagined I'd find in ND

Great, wish I had your luck. I was in Air Force in South Dakota, big thing back then, was digging for dinosaurs bones, Dang, wish back then, what I know now. :clapping: :extrahappy:
:woot: Congratulations on the excellent find! Two cent pieces are some of my favorite coins for several reasons... they're a unique currency, they have a nice design, and they were the first of American coinage to bear the motto, "In God We Trust." Yours cleaned up nicely, too! Thanks for sharing your finds with us.
:woot: Congratulations on the excellent find! Two cent pieces are some of my favorite coins for several reasons... they're a unique currency, they have a nice design, and they were the first of American coinage to bear the motto, "In God We Trust." Yours cleaned up nicely, too! Thanks for sharing your finds with us.
Thanks Princess! They definitely are a cool coin!
Heck of a find and a cool date too. I’ve only ever been lucky enough to find one and it took me 4 years to find it. Nothing better than seeing something come out of the hole that you never expected. Congratulations and she’s a beauty
Heck of a find and a cool date too. I’ve only ever been lucky enough to find one and it took me 4 years to find it. Nothing better than seeing something come out of the hole that you never expected. Congratulations and she’s a beauty
Thanks CT! I've been detecting since 2014 yet I never expected to find one. We just don't get stuff much older than 1900 around here as it was one of the last places settled.
Well, thanks to you, my bucket list is now longer...i didn't even realize those existed! Huge congrats!
Thanks gis! I've never really made a detecting bucketlist but if I had a 2 cent piece wouldn't have been on it as I would never have imagined I'd dig one.
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