Create your own cache--What would you do?

That's funny...I had recently thought about creating a cache someday.

I have some old Roman coins and a Roman/Byzantine ring I'd cache. Some of my other old U.S. coins and other odds and ends too.

Maybe a hard drive or two with various data files I've accumulated over the years.

I've got some acreage, so I would probably bury it 5-6 feet. Maybe it would be found in a millenia or two. :lol:
That's funny...I had recently thought about creating a cache someday.

I have some old Roman coins and a Roman/Byzantine ring I'd cache. Some of my other old U.S. coins and other odds and ends too.

Maybe a hard drive or two with various data files I've accumulated over the years.

I've got some acreage, so I would probably bury it 5-6 feet. Maybe it would be found in a millenia or two. :lol:

you can put a note with it or something that really intrigues the future finder :cool:
ChampCamp -treasure hunt

Soon to be new to metal detecting.
I have done some geocaching.
I have not purchased MD unit yet still researching for kid easy to use model.

I am holding a camping trip for about 10-12 boys and their fathers.
I plan to bury brass candle holders, mugs and small metal trays I have collected and toss about 25 dollars of nickels about in an open field.

The PVC idea has got me thinking that I could fill several PVC tubes with nails and cap both ends and then mark or burn 100-500 point values on the side. I would bury tubes within 50-100 ft from the center of a circle and give the gps locations of each circle.

Kids would accumulate points and trade for candy and prizes like in the arcade. I hope it will make for a fun afternoon and maybe get some young ones interested in the hobby.
I'd put some quality gold and silver in a small diameter PVC pipe, cap it, waterproof the ends. Then I'd wrap it aluminum foil so that it looks like a roll of foil. I'd bury it 6" down and just above it at 3" I'd have a real roll of aluminum foil buried atop it. Persistence pays.
I used to do plaster work ( real deal horse hair plaster) in new england years ago, every time we were about to seal up a wall behind lathe i always tried to set up a series of all coins from the current year, penny, nick, dime, quarter on a good solid header so someday somebody would find them. I found alot of interesting stuff in the walls of old homes there so i always tried to make it interesting for the next guys.
If I were doing a capsule, i'd do the same, all coins from present day and then pack it with all these darn pull tabs i got from the beach, that'll throw em off!
creating a cache is something that I would like to do some day. I would do several holes, one deep for the cache and others shallower for clues, that would be my way

if ghosts exists, that will be a great amusement for me to watch :cool:
Funny this should come up because we buried a "time capsule" when our daughter was a baby, maybe a few years old. I remember puting it together and buring it, but for the life of me I can't remember right now. It was in a sealed container, but I can't remember exactly what type of container, it had pictures of us in it with writing on the back, a copy of the day's newspaper and some other trinkets of the time.

Pretty sad, ey? We can't remember where it is.... but it's somewhere that would be significant to us. It had to have been at least 10 years ago we buried the thing....

Wow... never really thought of it until you mentioned it... If I remember right, we buried it with some old friends who are no longer friends...

Take your detector out and look for it :D
A jar with a full of zinc pennis with a giant piece of tin foil in the middle. Inside that tin-foil, a picture of me pointing and laughing.
A jar with a full of zinc pennis with a giant piece of tin foil in the middle. Inside that tin-foil, a picture of me pointing and laughing.

Yup, had that thought myself. All those miserable zinc pennies you don't want to clean, put them in a jar or something, bury them. Or multiples of them and make a post at the Geocache site............
Thought about burying my coin collection for my son to find after I'm gone from this old world. I would put it deep woods so progress won't find it easily enough. Then make a Treasure map with 5 clues to the collection. Possibly give a GPS cord. at each clue to find the next clue. While I'm at it, add a riddle that pretains to the GPS cord. as to where he can exactly find the hidden clue in the ground. But the map will hold the keys to decoding the GPS Cords. to prevent someone from accidently finding a clue and hunting for the treasure. A master map with all the correct locations and final hiding place will be made should my son not be able to locate it due to someone else removing a clue somewhere along the line. Then it will be given to him by a trusted relative.

I don't want to make it too easy but want him to have an adventure. Still working out the details to ensure he finds it and no one else.
Awesome post!
About 24 years ago, I buried a cache in a mason jar before joining army and leaving home... the contents were a lock of my hair (all gone now!), coins I had collected (lots of bi-centennial quarters if I remember correctly), a cassette tape with my voice, a saint christopher metal, and other miscellanous goodies from my childhood... I always resist the temptation to dig it up when I am at home visiting my family... I made a treasure map to where it is as well, Ive kept that map all these years... I kinda think of it as my childhood stored away and safe for me to dig up one day... and if I dont, it will be a great surprise to someone in the future!
I've been kicking around the idea of creating a cache and burying it for a future treasure hunter to find long after I'm gone. It's kind of intriguing to think about how our hobby will evolve over the next, say, 100 years. What kind of equipment will be available? Where would be a good place to hide the cache? What should the cache contain?? What do you think you would do?

i'm 17 and i know that in 100 years everyone will be detecting homesites built in the 2000's and think stinkin lincolns are great finds and plastic bottles willl be collectable.
i would get a box and seal it somehow and put a few coins from this year, a picture of me and our house as it looked at the time, a newspaper from that day, and other little thing that represent this time period :D now all i need to do is find a box that wont rot over time or leak......hmmmm
I actually

Did this this past winter. I was fortunate enough to find someones hoard of wheaties dating from 1909 up to 1953, :) All in one big 8 inch hole next to an old barn. Maybe some kid.? Anyway. I put those pennys into a glas jar with a few large rocks of White quartz, Rose Quartz, a few arrow heads, and 6 silver quarters, 1 walking liberty 1/2 and 2 gold mens rings. and last but not least a pair of white sapphire earrings I made.All in the jar it went.

i took a few hours and made 6 maps and placed them through out the town of Waynesboro Pa. at different locations.All rolled up and rubberbanded.

i made it a point to begin by telling the Road that needed to be traveled and the point to stop and get out and How many steps to a rocky ledge look out. then so many feet from a specific tree. then so many feet down a rock ledge and to look between one of three crevices there you would find your treasure. Once you find the treasure Please let the new paper know so we can read of what you found.

sad thing was. Some happy go luck character found it. and never reported there lucky find to the paper. lol.. I was more excited to read about then I was putting thetime in to drawing up the maps and taking and doing the foot work to make it worth the hunt.

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