Big surprise with the Royal Coach this evening!

$$$ Ouch KT. But a good battery is good to have, especially in winter. I bought my car used, and not too long after it wouldn't start due to the battery expiring :roll: it was the original battery to the car. Hopefully you're Royal Coach is grand royal from now own.
Yes, GroundSweeper, you are absolutely correct! One less thing for His Majesty to worry over!
$$$ Ouch KT. But a good battery is good to have, especially in winter. I bought my car used, and not too long after it wouldn't start due to the battery expiring :roll: it was the original battery to the car. Hopefully you're Royal Coach is grand royal from now own.
Well, GroundSweeper, everything seems fine now…sometimes one just has to throw enough $$$s at a problem to get the right fix! :giggle: :laughing:
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