any interesting dog encounters?


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Sep 20, 2015
North Atlanta, GA
In Atlanta it is pit bulls you have to watch for, especially in parks when they are off leash. I have a heavy stainless steel 30" predator shovel that would do some serious damage to any dog if I saw it coming my way with ill intent. It can literally be used as a weapon.

Once I was on my hands and knees digging a target, had headphones on and looked up face to face with a big friendly Lab retriever. He was wagging his tail so no fear on my part. I think he wanted to help me dig.

Another time a big Rotweiler came racing towards me and I said to myself, this is not good. But he ran about six feet past me and was after a squirrel that was foraging in the woods behind me. Quite a scare there for a moment.

Another time I was again on my hands and knees digging and I had my Brittany with me. He suddenly bolted past me barking furiously. I turned around and saw a dog off leash that was probably 50 yards ahead of his owner. Both dogs just stood there glaring at each other until we both got them on their leashes. Up to that time, I didn't know my Brittany was that protective of me. I guess they just know when other dogs may be a threat.

By the way, I love dogs, have always had one or two. But I respect dogs and can easily read their body language. I would never hurt a dog unless it was self-defense.
Tail wagging German Shepard would approach me until the detector beeped and then he'd jump back whimpering. He did this for about 10 minutes, according to his owner the detector sounds similar to his shock collar. I turned off the machine and we made friends, but as soon as I started again so did he.
There’s always those times. Some folks in the parks here ignore the leash laws, let alone dog’s “litter”. I’ve found that you cannot trust dogs. I’ve had my share of encounters in parks. The dog’s slaves are thoughtless, bag-carrying fecal gatherers. As a service tech, I have to deal with them every day and my co-workers and I have had our share of dog bites.
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I was dectecting the lawn of an old school that was recently torn down at about 1am one summer morning. Dark moonless night, kept hearinng a chain rattling but never saw anything. Was down on my hands and knees trying to retrieve a piece of leaverite at 12 inches and hear this sniffing right behind me. Look around, and a big old Rot standing there sniffing at my hind side with a tow chain hanging off it's collar. Guess he realized I wasn't as cute from the front and decided to leave me alone an go on his way.
I've had my share of dogs approaching me as I'm detecting and most are just friendly/curious but a few have been what I considered possible threats to my well being, growling and showing their teeth. AND...….it seems as if those are the ones whose owners always say something like" oh don't worry, he won't bite you". When I sense a dog is a possible threat I always take out my saw tooth digger and have it ready. if the owner is nearby I make sure they see me with it in my hand. Dogs are OK but I trust very few when I'm detecting. Just recently here in my hometown there was an incident where a dog warden was severely injured after being viciously attacked by a dog after responding to a complaint from a neighbor.


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All the time... people here don't follow the leash law either it's mainly on the beach and for some reason the cattle dogs seem to key off of us carrying big sticks (scoops) the worst ..I carry a can of pepper spray and as soon as they start coming towards me I just hold the pepper spray out and look the owners in the eye and they pretty much get the idea. Then I inform them of the leash law.
There’s always those times. Some folks in the parks here ignore the leash laws, let alone dog’s “litter”. I’ve found that you cannot trust dogs. I’ve had my share of encounters in parks. The dog’s slaves are thoughtless, bag-carrying fecal gatherers. As a service tech, I have to deal with them every day and my co-workers and I have had our share of dog bites.

Can't stand it when people don't pick up after their dog. If the dog is people-friendly(not all are), the off-leash thing doesn't bother me much, but the poop has got to go!

So if you see a "slave" carrying a bag, and gathering fecal matter, show them some respect. :yes:
Can't stand it when people don't pick up after their dog. If the dog is people-friendly(not all are), the off-leash thing doesn't bother me much, but the poop has got to go!

So if you see a "slave" carrying a bag, and gathering fecal matter, show them some respect. :yes:

I always thank people who do that and people who dont I ask them to..please....
I have never had a dog bother me when dirt fishing but the beach is a different story. People will allow their dogs off leash even though it is the law that they be on leash. I hate to look up and see a dog hell bent on getting to me while the owner yells at the dog and then tells me that it wont hurt you. Of course a raised scoop seems to deter them most of the time '
“ don’t worry, he’s friendly” Crunch !!! Inner thigh !!!

Not an animal person. No offense
Dogs can read you like a book, doesn't matter how much you try to act brave or friendly.. If you are afraid of dogs they know...

I'm not afraid of them, and they know it. For the most part, if they don't want to be my new friend, they are afraid of me.

Working for utilities I have to go on almost everyone's properties, whether or not they are even home. I usually make a bunch of new friends every day. My company requires me to carry dog spray, I have never used it, nor needed or wanted to use it.

Dogs can see way past your actions and appearance, they read your soul...

Dogs can read you like a book, doesn't matter how much you try to act brave or friendly.. If you are afraid of dogs they know...

I'm not afraid of them, and they know it. For the most part, if they don't want to be my new friend, they are afraid of me.

Working for utilities I have to go on almost everyone's properties, whether or not they are even home. I usually make a bunch of new friends every day. My company requires me to carry dog spray, I have never used it, nor needed or wanted to use it.

Dogs can see way past your actions and appearance, they read your soul...


Yeah and some of them are just nuts.
There is a dog beach I occasionally hunt where it is legal for dogs to roam off leash. But owners are still responsible. Sounds crazy , but true. The day a dog gets the best of me , I might as well just lay down and die. I have been attacked and I have also busted one open with my scoop. It's me or the dog. And it ain't gonna be me ! Owner was lucky I didn't sue him.
I have a 35 lb GSP (German Shorthaired Pointer). She is the best dog I have ever had, but a trait they have is being protective of her "family". She goes everywhere with me. When my wife runs into a store, the dog and I wait in the truck with the window down so she can watch the door and wait for my wife. She is fine with people walking around the truck, but it gets real when someone approaches the truck. Despite telling them not to, I have had 2 people try to reach in and pet her. Both times I had to pull her back. She is a cute dog, but goes from 0 to Jerry Springer real fast. Owners need to know their dog, and there is no way I would let her run off leash in a public area. I know what would happen, and I would expect people to defend themselves.
I had a woman with a German Shepard approach me once. The dog began scratching and bitting at my coil. I turned my detector off and he just stood there looking at it. When I turned it back on he began scratching and bitting at it again. They must hear something we can't. Another time I saw a park worker across the field with a Pit Bull. As I was digging a find I looked up to see the Pit Bull staring me in the face. I thought that he belonged to the worker but it turned out that he was just a stray and friendly. It didn't look like he had eaten for some time to I gave him a sandwich that I had in my car. I hated to have to leave him there but I can't have a dog where I live. I had a Minature Doberman circle me and growling once. I think I could have stepped on him he was so small but I guess he thought that he was full sized. The only time that I have been bitten was when I was walking down a street. As I passed a house some kids opened the front door and a small dog ran across the yeard and bit me on the ankle. I was going to kick him across the year but by then he was already back in the house.
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