Age of forum members

Chronologically: 64
Mentally: 15 I'm worn out from years of motorcycle racing/crashing! :(If I had known I was gonna live this long,I would have took better care of myself!:lol: Just a thought: Will MD's pick up plates,and rods in your body?:shock: Ron

yes it will ,I used my PP on my friends leg and his rod sent it off..
Just a thought: Will MD's pick up plates,and rods in your body?

Yes, my centech PP will sound on the screws in my knee...

Like I said earlier, my profile says I'm 103, but really, 38 here..

So far, I have spent over a year on crutches in my life, but still have yet to break a bone...

You are never to old to act immature!!!

Proof that age doesn't matter

I'll be 74 August 15th, 2013, have a Defibrilator, and 13 stents. Which just proves MD's don't pick up ALL the junk. I thank GOD ever day for EVER DAY!

It's true; "if you didn't know how old you were, how old would you be"?

Danged close to being the oldest guy on here. Can't believe it!

I'm 51 and my kids all said the same thing lol. I love this hobby and plan on continuing with it for many years to come.
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