A Burnside bullet variety??


Full Member
Mar 1, 2018
Found what I think is a Burnside bullet but it has a hollow base. I have found dozens of Burnside bullets in the area but they are all flat base. Can someone shed a light as to what type this bullet is? Here are the measurements:
.802 Long, .552 Diameter, 340 grain weight. The hollow base area is .318 Diameter and .146 deep.


  • Hollow base Burnside.png
    Hollow base Burnside.png
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I wish I had found your bullet, but from your measurements I couldn't match it exactly. It does have very similar measurements to a Burnside, but it couldn't be with that base in it. There was a couple of others that might fit close. The Mississippi rifle had one that is close to yours with a conical base. But having been fired, it can distort the measurements somewhat. Still a good find, go get some more from that site and let us have another chance at it.
I wish I had found your bullet, but from your measurements I couldn't match it exactly. It does have very similar measurements to a Burnside, but it couldn't be with that base in it. There was a couple of others that might fit close. The Mississippi rifle had one that is close to yours with a conical base. But having been fired, it can distort the measurements somewhat. Still a good find, go get some more from that site and let us have another chance at it.
Thanks for your response duggap. Yes, the bullet has been fired but it shows very little distortion from hitting anything but dirt (With the exception of the cut rifling marks). I found it almost a foot deep in the side of a hill where Confederate soldiers were running across during a retreat. I doubled checked the measurements but still come up with about the same readings. I had one person tell me it was a "Dished base" Burnside. The base is hollow and flattens out in the middle instead of a cone termination. I notice you are in Chattanooga. I am located north of Knoxville where I found this bullet in Sullivan County near Bluff City.
Definitely a Burnside with what I call the bowl cavity, pulled many from Cav camps
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