5 mercs playing hide and seek


Elite Member
Jan 10, 2006
claremon NH
got out today for a little swing with girl friend in tow , she read a book and caught some rays, while i swung a bit, talked with some people interested in the hobby and swung some more . i feel ive been on some what of a dry spell but today helped renew my faith in the old explorer. this area is litered with bottle caps from an earlier day along with many modern trash items. swinging and swinging finding cap after cap finally i got a weird signal ,"you know the one you get from a rusty cap?" well figuered what could it hurt might as well clean the park abit more so i dug. i pulled back the plug and threw my probe into the hole as to try and not scratch my prize rusted bottle cap and what did i see ? yup a shinny merc ,oh theres another and whats that? another! oh my i think i hit a merc silver vain!!!! total 5 shinny merc's under a rusty bottle cap. im guessing thats why they wer still there since its the only dimes i found . alot of pennies but nothing much of anything else. just glad to say i dug the rusty old cap or i would have left them in the ground for another 100 years till they put a shopping mall on top of them well thats my saturday adventure hope you all are have a much good luck as i did today , the bugguy claremont NH . oh the dates were 19,20,25,28,29
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