12 year old AquaChiigger Video -Massive Old Silver Coin Cache


Elite Member
Dec 15, 2022
Been a fan of AquaChigger and watch him on Youtube, though he fixates a bit much on civil war bullets, he is technically smart and a good teacher, particularly on river detecting and relic hunting. Has anyone seen this video, ran across it today, totally incredible over 200 silver coins and each a bucket lister that I'll never see in the midwest, gotta be tens of thousands in value. I was totally floored.
A group might have been ambushed on the water way & a chest of silver was lost in the water. Or possibly a flood took out a paystation. Or some robbers hid a chest of silver & a flood finally eroded it out of the bank.

Thanks for sharing that video.
Chigger does good videos. Cannot believe how calm, cool and collected he is. Almost anyone else would be doing back flips and yelling at this great cache old silver coins.
Ya, he's always calm like that, saw him find a pristine draped bust only to pitch it aside without a close up only purr about the nice three ringer bullet he found. He's a relic guy for sure and super chill.
Yeah that's just banana's! I do remember seeing this video a long time ago as well. Definitely alot left in the waterways, which was the fastest means of travel for many years. I've had moderate success at old bridge areas. Usually loaded with fishing gear though.
I saw this one too. I couldn't imagine finding a handful of coins that old, much less a couple hundred! I was annoyed about the constant promotion of the Garret detector he was using. Later videos don't push products as hard as he did in that video. If a video feels like an Ad, I get annoyed and "change the channel."
of course i remember it. must have been a deep river cross on horseback and they lost their luggage and had to keep going. whoever it was...was heated as that was a fortune back then.
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