White's Coinmaster Help


New Member
Apr 19, 2015
Hey everyone, I'm Micah and I recently bought my first metal detector, a White's Coinmaster, just the regular one. In the first 10 minutes of using it in my backyard I found some coins and an old key that the previous owner of this house lost 50-some years ago. But aside from that I've been having some trouble. Unless I have it set to discriminate nails (iron, I think?) it seems to beep whenever the coil touches the ground. I tend to hover an inch or so above but if I knick the ground or a weed or such it will beep. Also, when I turn on Pinpoint mode, it just kind of pulses even if I'm not above any metal. Furthermore, when I use it on the beach it beeps constantly if I don't have iron/nails discriminated. It's waterproof so I know that's not the case.
Any insight would help a lot!

It sounds like you simply need to keep reducing your power until it runs smooth. If your using it on a salt beach in the wet sand or in the water you will most likely have to reduce the power while increasing the discrimination until it's usable. It may never be useable in this case? It's just not designed for wet salt..
Make sure the cable is plugged in tight and the thumb screw snugged. Make sure you have the wire wrapped around the shaft, but not pulled to tight a the bottom. Coil should be able to move from flat on the floor with the machine laying down to flat on the floor with the machine straight up without pulling on the connector at the coil.
Place the machine on 2 plastic trash cans so the loop is well off the ground and away from metal. Use a paint stick or other small piece of wood and gently tap around the coil. No signals sound should be heard when tapping, if you do get a response the coil may be defective.
As was stated, wet salt sand will cause constant beeping..
Hope that helps!
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