What time during day do you Mding?


Junior Member
Feb 1, 2006
Hi all,

What time do you start Mding and for how long? I never have Mding'd before, but plan on it this spring. I live in a 3 million plus city and will mding in parks, ball fields, and such. Should I anticipate people interrupting me to ask questions, and if so how can I keep this to a bare minimum? Also, do I need kneepads?

Thank you.
Well, the times I have gone out were from early in the morning until evening. When people ask you questions, either answer them truely, or tell them your with the government, and end it at that. :lol:
Anytime I can grab an hour or more, and it ain't raining, snowing, or freezing is good!!!!

I started using a good set of gel kneepads last fall. Don't know why I ever M'd without them before. Keeps the pants dry in moist conditions too.
I hunt mostly in the morning but sometimes mid afternoon. Do expect people to come up and ask questions. Be cordial, it helps the hobby, but keep it short. So far I haven't felt the need for knee pads but it may well change in the future.
Depends on where I plan to hunt. If it is a school yard, or public playground, I try to do them either early morning, or late afternoon. If I'm going to a private home, or a woods area, I may go in the morning, and stay most of the day.
Anytime the batteries are charged. Not while school is in session,tho.
I have not used kneepads but they are in my "go-bag" that I take with
me. I should put them on as last time out I got both knees wet and the ground is not kind on the knees.
from a little old lady who thought it was "unladylike" to dig in the dirt and that if I needed money I should ask for it. :grin:

Epi, you shoulde has asked her for it. She might have a stash of silver and gold tucked away somewhere. :D

"comment was from a little old lady who thought it was "unladylike" to dig in the dirt . . ."


That's hysterical! :lol:

On most hunts, I get up early and try to leave the house around 6am on Saturday mornings, and I'll usually hunt until around 8 or 9am. These are my usually weekly hunts, when I'm hitting schools, parks, ballfields or beaches. When hunting a nice wooded area or historical area, like some of my CT spots near my buddy's house, we hunt from early until dark!
I put my detector in the truck each morning. When I leave work I hit a park until it?s too dark to see the bottom of a hole. Saturdays. Sundays after Church. Haven?t started carrying a flashlight yet. God help me if I ever start to night detect. 8)
We -- Kev, Blitz, Rob, Keith, Ed, and I -- usually begin our day at 8:00 a.m. and end about 7 hours later!
We- Kev, Zoyboy, Steelers, Snitsle, Rob, Skip, Brian K., Beevis, Ed, and I- usually start around 8 and at about 6 hours later!
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