Well, MDing is not on the prohibited list here, so I guess it's OK

In metro Atlanta most school sport fields have signs like that and the chain link fences are usually lock tight when not in use. So I pretty much assume they don't want anyone on the fields for any reason except the school sport teams. One of the main reason this has come about is the vast increase of illegal immigrants over using these fields for soccer. At two parks here without locked gates and fences they turned the baseball fields into dust bowls without a blade of grass left. In one large park in Dekalb County, GA they have a black SUV patrolling the park with two men and in white official looking letters it states" Dunwoody,Citizen's Patrol. I guess those two men are super Karen's.
This is what happens when you ask the authorities if it is ok to metal detect in their jurisdiction. Kind of reminds me of the punishment dished out to Arlo Guthrie's song Alice's Restaurant.
For fun I photoshopped in "No Metal Detecting". Things haven't gotten that far in Dunwoody, GA. Yet.
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