Hello from Soon To Be Newbie!


Full Member
Dec 3, 2013
Eastside of Cleveland, Ohio
Hello everyone!

Thought I'd introduce myself.

I've always been interested in Metal Detecting. Who as a child didn't thrill at the thought of finding buried treasure?

But it was one of those things that always got put off until later. "Maybe next year I'll get a rig." Or "some day I really should buy a detector." But as we all know next year becomes 5 and some day never comes.

Well now I have 2 young sons who love to find money on the ground and dig! (They are boys after all). :grin:

This Christmas season I thought, NOW!, now is the time to get a detector so I can get my boys interested in it and maybe give them a life long hobby to enjoy.

Not to mention giving my wife, boys and myself another way to spend time together outside.

So I've spent the past few weeks researching detectors online, including here and on Amazon. I was looking at the slightly above entry price level.

I wanted something that would be durable, dependable, kid friendly, give a lot of bang for the buck but also wouldn't break the bank.

Heaven forbid if this was something my boys or I didn't end up liking I didn't want to be out $600+ dollars.

Sure I was pulled towards the expensive Mine lab units but I knew I needed something around the $100 or less level to fit our budget.

I finally settled on the Bounty Hunter IV. From ALL the reviews I've read it seemed to be a great little machine for the amateur/newbie to pick up.

It seemed perfect for us. I checked the prices around, saw the Hobby Lobby 40% off coupon deal but ultimately lucked out and found one for $65 during an Amazon Black Friday Lightning deal sale.

In fact it just came in the mail today and I'm already itching to try it out. :)

Normally by December the ground is frozen here near Cleveland, Ohio but although we've had snow, the temps this year have been milder and the ground is still soft.

But I'm going to have to exercise some self control though and wait for "Santa" to deliver this beauty to two little boys who are going to LOVE it.

Guess I'll be spending the holidays stock piling 9volt batteries and dreaming of digging diamond rings, silver coins, old relics and mountains of pull tabs!

Hello again! :D
Welcome from WA. Definitely hard to wait when you know it's under the tree! Hope it brings lots of fun to you and your boys. :cool:
That Bounty Hunter is a fine intro to the hobby. I swing the Fisher F2 and love it--also an entry level detector but it’s pretty darned powerful.

Glad you finally got into the hobby! :)
Welcome from Panama Central America. Hope your boys have fun. To get them going I would try seeding your yard with just a few coins to get them started, but just a few. Best of luck. slider.........
Thanks for the welcome! :yes:

My wife and I had both mentioned we should "salt" the yard with a few coins just to get the boys really excited and going with the Hobby.

It is hard knowing it's sitting upstairs waiting to be wrapped when it's almost 60 degrees here near Cleveland.

I've found myself scoping out places to swing as I was driving around town today. There is a park near a former early president's home not too far away. Might prove to be a good place. Will have to see if I can detect there.

Ok we bought this for the boys, but really Daddy I think is going to enjoy using it the most. :D
Yep! wait until you actually start swinging; every lot and field and old home will look very different to you. :D I’m constantly rubbernecking for possible locations.
I've found that to be true.

Saw a youtube video where a guy was using Google Earth and their old ariel views to look for torn down homes to hunt at.

Installed it on my computer and am already searching my area for spots to dig! :)

Once the weather breaks this Spring me and the boys will be out everywhere I'd imagine. :)
Welcome from California... I think the seeding coins is a great idea... I did it with my grandkids and they loved it... HH...
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