Garrett finally tells us they are launching a new detector


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Sep 20, 2015
North Atlanta, GA
Old news (Rsgatpro had it on 3/31)

They were going to announce it at the their next hunt and other hunts. But now he said to stay in touch with Garrett in the next two weeks at and their facebook page for more infomation on this new product.

here is what Steve said about the new detector. Scroll down to bottom of their web page.

finally!, Let the speculation begin.

Rusty said:

Good day John.

Thank you for your interest in Garrett products . The Garrett engineers have announced that a new Sport Division product is coming out in 2020 . I suggest you watch Garrett`s website , Facebook and Instagram pages for details and updates as they are released . We do not have any further information to share at this time .

Best regards,
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