First hunt with Nox 800 using my new 15 inch coil at a public soccer field


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Sep 20, 2015
North Atlanta, GA
First hunt with Nox 800 using my new 15 inch coil at a public soccer field.

Field 2, sens 19, 50 tone, recovery speed 4. Noise canceled and ground balanced. Note this well hunted soccer field was almost a 100% iron free environment. (and many thanks to the forum members who alerted us to the 4 recovery speed setting for the 15” coil).

Found three zinc pennies at 5-8 inches, one 1976 nickel at about 6 inches, 3 pull tabs and two bottle caps, and one screw cap. Nickel sounded so solid at 12-13. All of the audio signals were very clear and really no iffy signals. Maybe that is just the fact that it is a well hunted public soccer field. Most other soccer fields in the county are locked behind 8 foot chain linked fences. All the pennies were somewhat corroded and the nickel was pretty dirty. So I am thinking I am finding stuff others have missed. One guy who I know who is pretty good at finding stuff hunts this field at least monthly. So he missed those three coins. That makes me feel even more confident with my 800 using the 15 inch coil.

Increase in coverage is dramatic in my opinion. With the 15 inch coil, I can walk faster to more like a normal walk instead of halting slower walk with stock coil, and tippy toes walk (as someone else described) with the 6” coil.
All Targets sounded good and clear. Bottle caps in 50 tone have that little whoop at the end not a clean clipped tone like a coin. Easy to ID. Screw caps, not so easy.

Using the pinpoint button, I found pinpointing was about the same. I also prefer the heal to toe method of pinpointing and it works well with the 15” coil. This is just where I use the tip of the coil to find the target bottom area and the heel of the coil to find the top area. If the area is overlapping and very small area that is the location of a small target. Of course a larger top and bottom range indicates something larger.

Depth indicator was not very useful, but that is typical on stock and 6” coil also. 1-2 bars could mean anywhere between surface to 5 inches. And all bars generally indicated a deeper target, but usually around 8 – 9 inches. To me it is just a relative depth indicator and not one to show you actual depth in inches. Not a real bother since I am going to dig good targets and iffy targets.

Recovery speed 4 = all targets sounded solid. Move recovery speed up to 7-8 could barely hear them as good targets. Sounded more like deeper faint targets.

TID’s were steady for junk like pull tabs and steady for coins especially nickels with 12-13 solid clipped sound. Nickels really do stand out.

Conclusion: I have a lot of confidence in the Nox 800 using the 15 inch coil. Sometime confidence in your equipment and your abilities means everything.

It will be my “go to” coil along with my 6” where called for. Don’t see any need for the stock coil for my type of hunting of large parks and relics in fields. The weight was an issue for me without my swing harness. Tried it for 30 minutes without harness and wrist and forearm started feeling tired. I know there is really not much more weight than the stock coil, but for me with my right hand, carpal tunnel issues I must use the swing harness even with the stock coil. With the swing harness, no problem. Hunted for close to two hours. I am a happy camper, uh detectorist.
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