coin values since better MD's



Good morning all.

Going to be a beautiful day here in North Central Idaho.

I'm curious....Has the value of older coin's gone done since better
metal detectors are finding more coin's?

Remembering back to the 50's and 60's, coin collecting was popular for
the "find" and for the value of a not so old coin. Now, with so many older
coin's being found, is the value still there?

Just the opposite, coin values have gone up, in some cases dramatically. The number of coins found is not really enough to have any impact on the value. Many coins found are not really in collectable condition, particularly copper coins.
Many U.K. coins have gone down in value. I had two where only three or four examples were known. In each case hoards were found so the value reduced from a couple of hundred (£) each to thirty.
On the other hand its true the number of collectors is increasing year by year but I would rather find than buy as you just don't know when the bottom is going to fall out of the market.

Coin values overall have been increasing...however, Terry and Cutler have raised a good point, the coins have to be in good shape. In a recent issue of "Coins" Magazine, there is an article highlighting some of the values from Jan 05 to Jan 06. The results show a steady increase in the popular as well as some of the not so popular issues of each denomination. The future is bright, as long as your coins are, too!

There is a signifaicant $ drop in poor quality coins -dug. There are some exception for truely rare stuff. You will see coins advertised as md found. Cladius.
I sell a few hundred coins a year and the difference between the buying and selling price is extreme.
Go to your local coin dealer and buy any coin for $100 and then try to sell at any other dealer. The normal excuse is grade. You will be buying a beatiful high grade coin but immediately you try to sell marks, wear, signs of polishing will be found.
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