any interesting dog encounters?

Every single one I’ve encountered are obnoxious. I don’t get the attraction
I had 2 that where the best well behaved, loveable smart dogs I had BUT when one, Rocky would remind you he was the boss every now and then. I miss them both.

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I had 2 that where the best well behaved, loveable smart dogs I had BUT when one, Rocky would remind you he was the boss every now and then. I miss them both.

Sent from my LGLS775 using Tapatalk
I understand about losing a pet. I’ve had dozens, from hamster to muskrat, from anole to horned toad. Cats and dogs, my last was a springer, 35 years ago.

Never said i like Pitts, i dont , i didnt want all the Pitt owner's to get mad, not all are alike, but some are agressive ,the thing is that lock jaw on the pitts, being un able to release his life threatning jaws, in that case , i would have took that dog out, any dog that comes on a person's property with the intent to kill is done, i allway's watch all Pitt Bulls, i think people like them because they are good property guard's , friendly to the owner's , but it can happen, the girl were i used to live, up the street got bit by her own Pitt, watching tv , saw some Pitts jump the fense, attack and kill thier neighbors dog , not saying i am against the Pitts, i just don't want my dog around them period. Knock on wood Shogun is 5 , no Pitt encounter's , except 1, elevator , i waited till the guy loaded 2 Pitts on the elevator , after the doors closed we went , it was a set of 4 elevators , still had to watch the owner , sometimes i think they dont care about the other pet owner's, don't give a s---- , and think sometimes they want thier Pitts to fight , like the neighbor across the street were i used to live, who walked their Pitts off the leash , which started a fude with me, glad to get out of thier, and i will never look back.
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Dogs and I have more or less always had an unwritten understanding with each other. If you don't hurt me, I won't hurt you, if you want to be friends, I'd love to be your friend.

So earlier this year I was training an employee for a new contract. He was already experienced in field work and just needed to brush up on current specifications.

The second day training him, as we were getting back into the truck and getting ready to move to the next location, out of the blue he asked..

Him- Do you ever have problems with dogs?

Me- No lol, I have a deal with them, if they don't hurt me, they get to live to see tomorrow..

Him- Oh, dogs are one of my biggest worries. I was actually attacked three months ago. The dog jumped and knocked me over, and started tearing into my shoulder.. I was lucky that the homeowner was home and pulled the dog off me, otherwise I might have been killed.. I had to get 3 surgeries to fix everything..

Me- Wow! That's crazy, no wonder you are nervous about dogs, I would be too..

At the next location, we checked out a few things along a fence row and then hopped in the truck to knock on the door of the nearest house..

Knock, knock, ring ring.. Lady answers the door. Dog blasts right past her, through the door, right past me, and went after new dude standing 8ft behind me! Fortunately the dog was just a big friendly maniac and only jumped up and tried to lick him to death..

It was funny because of the conversation he had just 5 minutes before that incident. We finally got back in the truck..

Him- OMG! You're right! That dog didn't even see or care about you, it went right for me!

Me- LOL, I saw that, lol, Like I said, I have a deal with them...


Dogs are the last thing that I'm worried about..

I've heard one bullet buzz past my head at hit brush behind me.

Looked down the barrel of a gun (fingers on the trigger) on two occasions.

And here is the news story about one of my coworkers and what happened to him.. RIP kiddo..

Dogs aren't the problem..

Good for you. Glad it wasnt worse for you. I wasn't metal detecting but I had a friend who had a dog that was wagging its tail at me when I bent over to pet it and as soon as I petted it (with tail wagging) it lunged and tried to bite me in the face. The only thing that kept me safe was my glasses . I would have killed that dog if I'd had something to do it. As it were I punched it in the head and it backed off. I severely dislike dogs.

A little hint. Never, never pet a dog unless you ask the owner and he/she says it is ok.

I have noticed a lot of guys will just reach down and pet my Springer Spaniel who loves everyone.

Guy seem to think that all dogs love them. Most women and kids ask me permission before they even come close to my friendly Springer.

My previous rescued Brittany hated men because he was a hunting dog who got shot and ran off and got hit by a car or truck and had his back leg broken. For the 1st year, he would not let a strange man get anywhere near him. He would not bite but would growl loudly at any man getting within 20 feet of him. A year of weekly visits at the dog park calmed him down.
Most dogs act the way they do because of the way they have been treated in the past. Some people raise them to be aggressive while others don't. I have seen dogs of the same breed both good and bad.
Can't stand it when people don't pick up after their dog. If the dog is people-friendly(not all are), the off-leash thing doesn't bother me much, but the poop has got to go!

So if you see a "slave" carrying a bag, and gathering fecal matter, show them some respect. :yes:

if you had a "garden" you could gather your own!
just ''till " it in,and stand back" as the veggies will 'leap"
into your hands! ..i'm just sayin'

happy hunting!
It has never been a problem YET but I have had curious coyotes watch me a few times at dusk. The only time I actually got up and left was when there were two of them and when it got dark I could hear them in the woods just a bit too close for comfort.
Dogs can read you like a book, doesn't matter how much you try to act brave or friendly.. If you are afraid of dogs they know...

I'm not afraid of them, and they know it. For the most part, if they don't want to be my new friend, they are afraid of me.

Working for utilities I have to go on almost everyone's properties, whether or not they are even home. I usually make a bunch of new friends every day. My company requires me to carry dog spray, I have never used it, nor needed or wanted to use it.

Dogs can see way past your actions and appearance, they read your soul...


I am not afraid of dogs either 99% shy away. I was on a Plumbing call once though. Right after the lady told me her very small dog didn't bite, it launched off the ground and was hanging off my butt cheek:shock: The lady did had to prove the dog had rabies shots. Not long after i got a call asking if i wanted the dog put to sleep:wow:
any interesting dog encounters? That is the question. I have a tail about a event that happened when I was hunting and not metal detecting. I was in the stand early day light and I could see a critter easing through the brush toward my stand. In a few minutes I could see that it was a medium sized dog mixed breed and tan like a deer. This old dog smelled his way to the base of the tree where I was setting and looked up and seen me. He circled a few times and laid down next to my tree. I continued to set there a couple more hours and he just laid there and slept. When I came down the tree he stood up and leaned up against my leg and looked up at me as to say what are you waiting for. He followed me to my truck and when I opened the door he jumped up and sat down in the passenger seat. This was his position for many years after that and I will miss old "Burp" who is in dog heaven now.
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