
  1. K

    It said never be late, no he is

    Here is my finds today. Went to a park i hunted before, and 5- Quarters 4- Dimes 26- Pennys 1- Casa Bonita Token 1-Nixon Stainless Steel Watch ( with second hand broken) A various junk piece's. My first wtach. in a 3 hour hunt The VX3 was working hard today.
  2. M

    Newbie In Rochester NY

    Hi Folks, I'm a retired Pipefitter from Rochester N.Y. I'm still torn on the new purchase of either a V3i or a CTX 3030 if anyone would care to share their thoughts. I know that they are both awesome but I've read enough somewhat negative reviews of the CTX 3030 (mostly about the display) to...
  3. Justinian

    Why I use Stereo Mixed Mode

    I use the V3i, and I have had several people ask me what program I hunt in. When I explain that I only hunt in Setero Mixed Mode - they want to know more. So here's my long answer. First – where I hunt, all non-ferrous objects must be dug. Any Positive VDI number is a potential good target...
  4. Justinian

    Short 3 min video in Roman lands

    Here's a short 3 minute clip of one of my last hunts deep in the Roman Empire's bread basket. Enjoy! CjUrwlhqVWI In the video, I find a fairly rare coin minted under Constantius I - the father of Constantine the Great. The coin dates between 305 and 306 AD. Constantius was only Emperor for...
  5. Justinian

    A tiny AE4 - whats an AE4?

    I just finished cleaning and identifying a lovely tiny Roman from emperor Constantius II, minted in the first half of the 4th century. This is called an “AE4” which stands for Bronze coin size 4. Roman and other ancient coins are frequently loosely identified by composition and size, since we...
  6. vmathieu

    White's Spectra V3i Tips and Tricks

    So I've had the White's v3i for about two years now and I feel like I am just now starting to understand how this awesome machine works. I used to have a lot of trouble so I'd like to start thread specifically for this awesome machine which I'm just starting to really get used to and like...
  7. Moonshadow

    Defib battery on a V3i

    My V3i didn't come with the rechargeable battery pack but I had no desire to do so because it has a finite lifespan. It came with two AA battery holders and I was satisfied with the performance of these, but I got tired of changing the batteries. Good rechargeable batteries or name brand AA...
  8. Justinian

    Fast recovery - with depth!

    Does anyone have a coil / program combination for the Whites V3i that can do what this XPDeus does? Find a roman coin at 10 inches, in iron, and then at 7:11 shows just how fast you can recover in iron trash infested ground. If you have, please post details. Video would be extra points!
  9. Justinian

    Best coil for thin medieval silver coins?

    Of the following, which one would be best V3i coil for thin and tiny medieval silver hammered coins in Europe? These are about 2 to 3 cm wide, and very thin. Often they are in ancient fields that have a lot of small iron trash too. I have found that only the high frequencies detect them well...
  10. Justinian

    Minelab X-Terra 705 vs White's V3i

    I just got a Minelab X-Terra 705 and will use it on Saturday alongside my V3i to see which one works best when searching for Roman artifacts. The difficulty is searching in a field filled with ancient hand-forged square nails and very targets. Should be interesting.
  11. Justinian

    What is best coil for V3i to find a buried hoard of coins?

    I was thinking of the 12" supercoil, but there are also an 18x15" SEF coil. Do those monster coils really find larger targets deeper? I'm looking for a large mass of silver coins, not an individual coin. Has anyone ever used such a large coil on the V3i?
  12. K

    Keep all your ducks in a row

    I was experimenting with my V3i today and I noticed that when you are in the search mode, if all three vertical bars are in a straight line or close to it it is usually a coin if the size is right.
  13. Mirlen

    CTX-3030 vs. V3i - My impressions thus far...

    I'm going to document my thoughts between these two detectors now that I have'em. Most of these will just be quick feelings, not in depth comparisons. So.. Picked up my CTX @ UPS today. Overall packaging/presentation is more professional on the CTX. White's feels more home-made. Lots of...
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