New permission


Elite Member
Oct 5, 2021
I have recently been going thru permissions left and right. With not much to show from them. So this evening I knocked on two doors and got two permissions. Both are still in use. The one I think is early 1800s and the other was built in 1801. Both have a good bit of land to look over. I’ve had my eye on both of these places for a while. The First Lady was 90 years old and lived there her whole life. She was as nice as could be! The second couple new a lot of history of the house and the area. I’m hoping one of these site produce.
Good luck MDM. The elderly woman permission reminds me of the one I got a few weeks back, didn't get much other than a cool old dog tag but she was a hoot to chat with and was proud to show me old pics of her centennial farm, she was so sweet.
First site was a bust. There was plenty of modern bullets and brass shell casings. But not much else. Going to try the second site tomorrow. I have high hopes for this one. I’m hoping to have something cool to post tomorrow.
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