Sad day in the detecting community... Dave passed away

leslie(nova scotia)

Elite Member
Jan 14, 2006
nova scotia
From the land of the Bluenose.....a very sad day as my very dear friend and digging buddy Dave (aka The Bardman) passed away on Saturday. His daughter phoned me early this morning.

The good natured bantering about the virtues of the Whites over the Garrett.

The down to earth level headiness in all things that are life.

Coffee at Tim's.

The long drives and conversations while going a digging.

The twinkle in his eyes everytime he saw a playing field or a road sign for a school.

Thursday at Sidelines with Raftaman, Leslie and the rest of the crew.

His favourite line. "I see Les your going around the field like a drunken sailor!"

These things I will miss. Can only hope that you are up in the big schoolyard above swinging away.

For those that knew him a bottomless void now exsists.<center><img src=""></center>
Leslie I am very sorry to hear about the loss of a good friend. You and his family will be in our thoughts and prayers especially during this holiday season.
Leslie I am sorry for your loss of such a dear freind. You and Dave's family will be in our prayers.
Paul TNHunter
There are no words for the loss of someone close to you. Take comfort in that instead of being with you on the occasional outing, Dave will be with you on every dig. You and your loved ones will be in our prayers. Keep swing'in

my condolences to his family and i'm sorry you lost a partner and friend , leslie
Thats a tough one . When a "family member" passes. I will say a prayer for him and you les.
I lost my prospecting pal a few years ago so I think I can relate. Things won't be the same, but you know he's pulling for you to hit that 100 coin day. My best wishes to you and Dave's family and let us know if there's anything we can do to help.
Sorry for your loss. Sounded like a really good friend to have.
Aw, geez...!
I was very shocked to read this, Leslie. The Bardman was a top-shelf dig (and I mean that in the very classiest form of the words. Usually it's not that easy, in this day and age, to find a really good person).
I remember asking his advice (thanks to your direction) and getting his personal replies (via email) about the DFX and scanning all the posts he'd written for everyone's benefit on the Blue-noser site.
Damn... that's a real tough break.
I know it's very sad news, but thank you for getting the word out to us. He will be sadly missed.
Sorry for your loss Leslie, its hard when you lose someone so close to yourself.
Leslie, you seem to embrace people the way you embrace life. I think that every time you go out your friend will be in your heart and right there when you pull out your treasures. He is only gone if you forget him and somehow I don't think you ever will. I think everyone wishes his family and yourself hope for the future and condolences, be at peace Leslie.
Sorry to hear you lost your digging partner. Good friends are hard to come by. Cladius.
Les, my deepest sympathies to you and to your friends family in your time off loss. Good friends are hard to come by. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
Les, my friend, his passing is truely tragic to say the least. But I say this for myself and many more on this forum that we are all better people for knowing him, and reading of your outings with him. He will ALWAYS be with you, and us as well. i AM TRUELY SORRY FOR THE LOSS.
Leslie, my deepest sympathy for you his family and all that knew Dave. Friends are the family that we choose.
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