Detecting Humor


Elite Member
Mar 26, 2006
upstate New York
I like to read all I can about detectors & detecting in general. I came across a couple of sayings from people I thought was very funny and I would like to share a couple of them.

(1) I only went out detecting for a few minutes today because it hasn't rained here in about 3 or so weeks and the ground is harder than a woodpeckers lips.

(2) I just got the new *** detector today although I like it very much it is more twitchy than a nun in a cucumber patch.

If you heard any funny sayings or have some of your own about metal detecting share them with us, nothing better than a good laugh. Thanks! Steve.

Very nice stuff.

Heres another, I bought a cover for my detector to help keep it dry while in shallow water. A large wave surprised me from behind, soaking me and my machine. That cover was as useless a box of condoms in a convent.

My wife reminds me, usually daily, that I am not funny.
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