Porch Gold Return!


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Oct 15, 2015
West Michigan area
Yesterday, this old guy came over to look at some things I have for sale....For some strange reason, he spit out his teeth on my front porch, and down through the crack his GOLD chompers went! Now, its deep and dark under there, all the decking is nailed down tight with those twist nails that are Impossible to pull without making a mess...He was in a state of panic! Oh Boy! Just what I need!:laughing:

Two boards had deck screws, I was able to get one up and of course the other one stripped out the heads, so I was unable to wiggle myself down under through that narrow gap, thought I'd have to drag out my Sawzall and cut the screws off...It was a long reach from where the teeth were from where the board came up...then, I had an idea! ....

I went and got my sandscoop out of the car and after a few attempts, standing on my head and reaching to my full extent, I managed to fish them out from under there! I dont know if this event qualifies as a 'Metal Detecting' Lost and Found return..? I did use my Detecting gear and found some gold...so hey?

I guess I coulda said, "Tough Luck old Boy, I aint ripping up my deck unless you give me $100!" Or told him to get lost, and went and got that gold myself some other day? Anyway, he let me take a pic of the return to show you all...I was afraid to let him in my house afterwards...Whats Next? You gonna flush your cell phone down my toilet? He did buy $35 worth of Polish Pottery, so hey, not a complete loss...:laughing:


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That's funny stuff right there

I tell you what Buddy! I'll be so glad when this house sells and I can get out from under these kinds of situations....Always something to do around here that needs my attention, stealing my Detecting time!...fishing some gold teeth out from under my front porch and selling Polish pottery was the LAST thing I needed with the Lake dead flat!...:laughing:
Crazy stuff Mud!

I was hoping you found gold, but that's a long stretch...

Good luck with the sale!!

OMG the look on that's guys face when his grill slipped through the crack must of been Priceless.

Good luck on the sale I went through a Sell then buy less than a year ago.
moved from a 5000 sqft lot in Southern California to a 5 acre lot in Oregon.. Big change but loving it.

so GOOD LUCK with the Changes !!

still :laughing: at the guys teeth going flying..
Crazy stuff Mud!

I was hoping you found gold, but that's a long stretch...

Good luck with the sale!!


And aint that a B Ice? Just after talking to you, I was heading out to find myself some wild strange, Beauty of an East wind!...flat Lake!, and this old Polish pottery buying btard coughs out his fussing gold mandibles right on down through my front porch deck! What are the odds? And then I gotta drag out all my tools, intellect and skills to make the save?

I tell you...insult to injury!:laughing: Not even got a beer out of the deal! I got his teeth and called it quits..stayed indoors...just not my day...a guy has to know to read the signs of a downhill black diamond slope...After this, I was just not up to it...
Wind looks good for you today too...

Supposed to be a nice day...

Good luck if you swing it...

WOW !! Tough Way To Find Gold

That's some story. I found a 10K ring in Jan. at the bottom of a snow pile but no gold teeth. You did your good deed, now go out and hunt for your own gold.
Prices so high mud has people spitting their teeth out. Dang it man!:lol:

Still remember pulling my ex wifes granddads teeth out of his toilet. Paper was hanging off them. Gave them a rinse and put them back in. You see him eating a tortilla it would give you flashbacks of that paper on them teeth:lol:
Prices so high mud has people spitting their teeth out. Dang it man!:lol:

Still remember pulling my ex wifes granddads teeth out of his toilet. Paper was hanging off them. Gave them a rinse and put them back in. You see him eating a tortilla it would give you flashbacks of that paper on them teeth:lol:

Now THAT there is some Funny stuff! Refried beans on a tortilla shell! flashback memories! Man!

I have been reading your post for years now. It just goes to show you just can not make this stuff up, nobody would believe it. Life is sure funny.

Love all of the stories, keep them coming.


I have been reading your post for years now. It just goes to show you just can not make this stuff up, nobody would believe it. Life is sure funny.

Love all of the stories, keep them coming.


Thank you Ray! Glad you got a giggle out of it! It was ironic...Just the Perfect day to be out hunting for wild gold. Heck, half the members that live up here were out hunting, and I was stuck at the house waiting on people to show up and buy some stuff before the main Estate Sale...

Funny that Gold came to me for once, tragic that I had to give it back and rip up my deck in the process! So I dont know exactly how to feel about this? Mixed emotions! Oh well...at least I had a reason to use my scoop! :laughing:
Oughta keep an eye on that old timer Mud. He's probably spitting gold chompers out all over the damn place...Sit at the table across from him at the Bob Evans and catch the butter covered buttery yellow teeth as they fly out! :D
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