What retirement looks like at 4:00 AM

Cherry Picker

Forum Supporter
Jan 12, 2006
Dodge City KS
I was retired for a month, and then was offered a 1099 gig that paid more than my last job, with fewer hours. Hopefully, I can still find the time to play with the Nox 600, telescopes, radios, and other toys.

Been retired long time at 82 all my buddies are gone just buried the last nam. vet Sunday.He was 76 like the old saying goes "life is like a vapor,here one minute and gone the next" 000RAH --SEMPERFI
Thank you for your service.

I joined 82nd Airborne to go to Vietnam. Went through the accelerated 6 weeks, instead of 8 weeks, basic training at Fort Leonard Wood, jump school at Fort Benning, and on my way to Advanced Individual Training (AIT) at Fort Bragg, they started to bring people home. Sounds like it was a good thing I missed going.
Retirement? I can't afford it. :no:
I've had to make many changes to my lifestyle but we, the wife & I, are finally getting settled into a rhythm. I might actually be able to buy myself a Les Paul guitar again. Although, what I'm playing here is a 1975 Electra 2264 White Zephyr. I bought brand new in 1975. Almost 50 years old and sweet as can be. A bit rare as well. If you Google 1975 2264 Electra you'll find two. One of them is this guitar. Not sure who has the other. Note the top (headstock) is what they call "Les Paul lawsuit" open book style. Only on the 1974-1975 then Gibson files a lawsuit making it illegal to copy the headstock.
Thank you for your service.

I joined 82nd Airborne to go to Vietnam. Went through the accelerated 6 weeks, instead of 8 weeks, basic training at Fort Leonard Wood, jump school at Fort Benning, and on my way to Advanced Individual Training (AIT) at Fort Bragg, they started to bring people home. Sounds like it was a good thing I missed going.
"I want to be an Airborne Ranger" sort of the same here, I was finishing up AIT in Ft Ord Ca, and was told no one here would be going to Nam.
Been retired for almost 5 years now. I've found that the key is to have structure and purpose every day. I have my alarm set for 4am Monday - Friday and 0430 on the weekends.

I've known several people that prematurely retired with no plan. They binged on food and alcohol and let themselves go. They are miserable and have rapidly degrading health. Few others never made it to even collect Social Security.

Structure and purpose is what makes a successful retirement.
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