What is the easiest metal to detect?


New Member
Feb 15, 2006
Out of curiousity, what is the easiest metal for the detector to find? This is assuming it is burried, say about 2-6" down in soil?

Does it change at all with sand or water?
Any metal thats under your coil will set it off.. Same goes for water hunting, but when you are in the water you are listening for whispers of deep targets... Same goes for land actually but I don't dirt dig much anymore.
Any metal is easy to detect. However, iron and aluminum are the most found.
Depending on how much discrimination you have set on your machine, I would have to say it would be "Luminium" :lol:
I agree with Alan, the lead sinkers seem to set my ACE250 off like a fire engine, even the real small split shot type.
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