Mi6 screw on caps


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2006
Alabama Gulf Coast
Has anyone been having issues with the MI6 screw on caps cracking? I went through three of them in the last year or so and I was just curious to see if anyone else out there is having the same issues. I mean if you do do it you can buy these taps separately several places so I'm assuming it's a known problem. I'm not over tightening them I usually tighten them down to where the rubber washer below it is still movable so I don't know what's cracking them. I always use a tether so it's not like they're falling and hitting the ground.
I haven’t had them crack, but have had endless issues getting them off. I do the same when tighting the caps - just barely tighten, but make sure they’re still movable. Within days, they’re stuck on again. My guess is that the cracking is related to the other issues with the caps. Seems like a pretty serious design flaw on XP’s part to me.
I haven’t had them crack, but have had endless issues getting them off. I do the same when tighting the caps - just barely tighten, but make sure they’re still movable. Within days, they’re stuck on again. My guess is that the cracking is related to the other issues with the caps. Seems like a pretty serious design flaw on XP’s part to me.
It's almost as if the threaded part is cone shaped so that the tighter you get it the more it wants to crack it lol I don't know what else to think I've contacted XP and they told me these are under warranty if they crack but I don't understand why they have to be so tight I understand waterproofness the 20 ft. But if they keep tracking that eliminates any waterproofing there is. And that was my grape just a crack when you don't know it it's not like they crack when you're putting the lid on or unscrewing it they crack just from sitting like they're under pressure. And I've had several of these MI6 pinpointers and I think every single one of them has had a cracked cap. So it's obviously a design flaw because these caps are like $12 plus shipping you buy three or four of them and you wish you just would have bought a new pin pointer
If you put silicone grease on the o ring they go on and come off much easier, but yes they are tight. Have never had one crack.
Ok this may not be the same thing, but I have two chainsaws with the black plastic fuel caps. Both have become difficult to get off. In fact on one I have to use a cresent wrench on the flats to get it to move. I'm wondering if it isn't dissimilar but incompatible materials at work. Heck I don't know.:pullhair:
I bought an mi-4 last week and it arrived with a cracked cap. I removed it and screwed it back on but it cross threads and the crack opens up. I took the thin o-ring off, screwed the cap down tight to the rubber washer and it opens and closes nicely now. No binding, no cross threading and the crack is mostly closed up. The only water it gets is a quick rinse. I put a little silicone grease and a couple of wraps of electrical tape around the area just in case. It seems that the clearance for the o-ring is too small causing the cap to jam and then crack. A marginally thinner o-ring may solve the issue. Waiting for a new cap, which I will use w/o the o-ring as well.
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I like to see what is available on the Net, and most of the people who sell detectors, have more & more replacement parts for different machines or supplies ? This post got me thinking that more parts are selling all the time, doesn't boost your confidence, lol

Has anyone been having issues with the MI6 screw on caps cracking? I went through three of them in the last year or so and I was just curious to see if anyone else out there is having the same issues. I mean if you do do it you can buy these taps separately several places so I'm assuming it's a known problem. I'm not over tightening them I usually tighten them down to where the rubber washer below it is still movable so I don't know what's cracking them. I always use a tether so it's not like they're falling and hitting the ground.
I bought 2 mi4's 10 days ago ..one of them came in with a cracked cap.. I called and they sent me a replacement and said the xp had some issues with a batch of caps ...
It's not really the orings.. I took mine off and it seems the tolerances they used fir the threads are wicked..even silicone lube barely made a difference on the threads
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