
Well, that is a lie. You do need permission and one needs to go with experienced people. The attachment is my first dirt fishing adventure, although I have been detecting Mexican Beaches for over 25 years. While there have been some treasures found in Mexico, there is very little to be found in gold coins. Most gold coins were never in circulation.
Just checked your link above, nice hunt!!
Did you not read Rudy's post above?!?
Didn't read the whole tread before replying... You would think I would have learned by now...

Reading in the news though, it does seem that Baja is not anywhere as safe as it was in the recent past.
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Yeah it's been getting progressively less safe. Used to be that you just don't go to certain counties/cities/neighborhoods... Now? Kind of scary all over. Baja, which used to be pretty safe, now has the most murders.
Did you not read Rudy's post above?!?
Guys, dial down the xenophobia, or this thread goes.
Xenophobia ? When the state department issues travel advisories to not go down there , it is for good reason. Just like the travel warning for Russia. Look at the news , it's not fake ! What people are posting here is is pretty much fact and the truth. Including my post. Yes the truth can be ugly. Lord forbid I recommend a place for someone to metal detect and something happens to them. That would be a tough pill to swallow. You want to censor facts / truth on a topic , go right ahead. But you will be know as such.
Xenophobia ? When the state department issues travel advisories to not go down there , it is for good reason.

Just a quick story and I will let this go. So the area where I stay had a level 4 warning put on it [same as Somalia] by the US state department about 8 years ago and has never been revised.
There was an enormous number of complaints by both business and stake holders. So much the state department had to schedule a meeting with locals.
I went to that meeting and only heard excuses by our state department. At the end I asked the final question:

You traveled by car here from Mexico City, were you escorted by armed guards because of the danger.......a long pause and then they stated> NO, we have a driver, but he is not armed.

I lost ALL respect for the state department that day.

There are trade-offs everywhere one can live. In my over 30 years visiting Mexico I have had one threat. But the long and short answer is if you're not in someone's job, wife, business OR stupid enough to try to play tough guy if someone wants your car/wallet. This is actually a very safe place to live.

This is a 5-minute old picture of the horrible unsafe place.


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Just a quick story and I will let this go. So the area where I stay had a level 4 warning put on it [same as Somalia] by the US state department about 8 years ago and has never been revised.
There was an enormous number of complaints by both business and stake holders. So much the state department had to schedule a meeting with locals.
I went to that meeting and only heard excuses by our state department. At the end I asked the final question:

You traveled by car here from Mexico City, were you escorted by armed guards because of the danger.......a long pause and then they stated> NO, we have a driver, but he is not armed.

I lost ALL respect for the state department that day.

There are trade-offs everywhere one can live. In my over 30 years visiting Mexico I have had one threat. But the long and short answer is if you're not in someone's job, wife, business OR stupid enough to try to play tough guy if someone wants your car/wallet. This is actually a very safe place to live.

This is a 5-minute old picture of the horrible unsafe place.
Paradise can be deceiving for sure. And plenty of that here in the states too. Crime is everywhere , but I agree on being low key and respectful. But that sure didn't help the 3 guys who just wanted to go on a surfing safari. And those criminals killed the landowner as well. Besides the generational corruption down there , the only ones who have guns are the cops & cartels. So much for the ones who believe in getting rid of guns in our country will make everything safe. Mexico is a case in point. As I've always said "Guns don't kill people , spoons make people fat !"🤣
Xenophobia ? When the state department issues travel advisories to not go down there , it is for good reason. Just like the travel warning for Russia. Look at the news , it's not fake ! What people are posting here is is pretty much fact and the truth. Including my post. Yes the truth can be ugly. Lord forbid I recommend a place for someone to metal detect and something happens to them. That would be a tough pill to swallow. You want to censor facts / truth on a topic , go right ahead. But you will be know as such.
KOB, I was referring to the xenophobic expletive used by another member, which I edited out of their post. There is no room on this forum for that.
you couldn't pay me enough to step foot across the border into that corrupt <Deleted by Admin> ...yeah resorts are safe for the most part but not worth the risk getting thrown in prison and have them do terrible things to you till die . I'm not into pain ...if I was id get married again
i'm sorry admin did i not use enough **** in the word ?
Xenophobia ? When the state department issues travel advisories to not go down there , it is for good reason. Just like the travel warning for Russia. Look at the news , it's not fake ! What people are posting here is is pretty much fact and the truth. Including my post. Yes the truth can be ugly. Lord forbid I recommend a place for someone to metal detect and something happens to them. That would be a tough pill to swallow. You want to censor facts / truth on a topic , go right ahead. But you will be know as such

AS time goes on more and more people haven't been or seen places and things that some of us have ....which created a long list of words the soft folks use to nicely degrade some of us when we voice our opinions on stuff ..... it's all part of the down fall in society and when its to late many will get that hah hah moment right before the end . It also doesn't help me that i'm dying of heart failure its removed what little bit of filter i had to protect the :snowflake::snowflake::snowflake::snowflake::snowflake::snowflake: precious little feelings.
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KOB, I was referring to the xenophobic expletive used by another member, which I edited out of their post. There is no room on this forum for that.
Ok....sorry. I thought you were going on a censor tirade. My bad
If you asked at Santa Cruz, CA city hall "Can I stand at Main St. x 1st St. and spread peanut butter on my head, while singing the star spangled banner ?"

My friend Bill got 5150'd for doing that.
Paradise can be deceiving for sure. And plenty of that here in the states too. Crime is everywhere , but I agree on being low key and respectful. But that sure didn't help the 3 guys who just wanted to go on a surfing safari. And those criminals killed the landowner as well. Besides the generational corruption down there , the only ones who have guns are the cops & cartels. So much for the ones who believe in getting rid of guns in our country will make everything safe. Mexico is a case in point. As I've always said "Guns don't kill people , spoons make people fat !"🤣

Just follow the forum rules. We have women and minors on the forum
and **** expletives are not suitable here.
copy that just looked over the rules again and section 1. last line I believe we have a few other members that have broken that one and I don't recall seeing them singled out and addressed for all to see ... so I guess some things never change on forums over the last 20+ years depends on who you are who you know etc......
copy that just looked over the rules again and section 1. last line I believe we have a few other members that have broken that one and I don't recall seeing them singled out and addressed for all to see ... so I guess some things never change on forums over the last 20+ years depends on who you are who you know etc......
If you see one please report it. Our bandwidth is limited and we can't possibly read all new posts in all new threads.
From everything I've known about Mexico and resorts there, They are in fact safe for the most part until they're NOT. It seems the Mexican Government has a vested interest in keeping resort areas safe. The reason is tourism. Now that being said. If the Cartel wants someone and since they out number and out gun the government in many of these areas they will most certainly kill anything and anyone in their way.
So basically it's like hunting an inner city park. Most days you would be ok but the chance of catching a stray bullet intended for someone else is always a possibility.
copy that just looked over the rules again and section 1. last line I believe we have a few other members that have broken that one and I don't recall seeing them singled out and addressed for all to see ... so I guess some things never change on forums over the last 20+ years depends on who you are who you know etc......
Keep in mind. Just because you don't see someone getting spanked in public doesn't mean they're not getting spanked through a private message.
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