Just got permission!!!


New Member
Jul 24, 2023
Just scored permission on a property from the 1700!! Property is in Plymouth ma so I expect to find some older coins but I will post picks after heading out there on Sunday morning with a buddy of mine!
A question for you. Once getting permission how often would you return? I have gotten permission from people I really know, new friendships or door knocks. Some properties are large and need many visits to explore. Once a week, every other week? I don't want to impose or seem weird. I have gotten permission then be uninvited.
Being new in the neighborhood while walking I met a neighbor who has a 25-acre farm. She said it was fine, I found a real hot spot with state colonial's and KG's and late1790's us coins buttons, ect. Then husband found out a mysterious neighbor was sneaking around on his property. That was the end of that! Boy, was I disappointed. I asked each time before going over didn't stay too long and was quiet and clean.
At my old home again, wife said no problem. Old man came out and saw me and said I had to leave right away! A few days later a I saw a mutual neighbor. She said the permission neighbor rented a MD the next day to try her luck!
Well, I'm a bit late to this thread... but good job securing a promising permission! Please let us know how it produces. :thumbsup:
A question for you. Once getting permission how often would you return? I have gotten permission from people I really know, new friendships or door knocks. Some properties are large and need many visits to explore. Once a week, every other week? I don't want to impose or seem weird. I have gotten permission then be uninvited.
well If I know the people that own the house like my aunts house I just show up she doesn’t mind when I want to go. But if it was someone that I get permission from I tell them in the beginning if their yard is big that I probably won’t be able to do the whole yard in one day. I mean if you’re finding stuff all the time. Just ask the. Owner I’m sure they will tell you if they don’t want you there
Good luck!
So TeamApex… we’re all waiting to hear your results at the 1700’s property you told us about
im sorry I didn’t get back to you on it. So we didn’t find anything crazy my buddy did find an old buckle. I found some coins but nothing old. We also were finding old car parts. I think the property had a lot of newer dirt put on top of the older ground. But it was kinda a let down we didn’t really find anything good.

im sorry I didn’t get back to you on it. So we didn’t find anything crazy my buddy did find an old buckle. I found some coins but nothing old. We also were finding old car parts. I think the property had a lot of newer dirt put on top of the older ground. But it was kinda a let down we didn’t really find anything good.

Funny how the sites that seem to have a lot of promise turn out to be the ones that are the biggest disappointments 🤔
Sorry it wasn’t as good as you had hoped. It’s hard to not get to excited about a new permission. I have found that old existing homes are not good close to the house. Because of work that has been done over the years. I had a lot better luck farther away from the house. The next time you run in to this again try going way out away from the house you may get lucky. Good luck on your next hunt.
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