Colonial button


Junior Member
Jul 25, 2007
Barre, Mass.
I found this this morning. Does anybody seen one like it? I am trying to date it.
I found it near a HUGE stone foundation (approx 60'x30')

Great find Jon!

It's my understanding that the large Colonial buttons were only made in the 1770's-80's....about a 20yr. period. Why? Don't know...wish I did.

I'm told that most of the large ones were hand decorated with either a sun or flower motif.

HH, Hank:cool:
Great Button!

I agree with XLT.
And what a nice button. Still has the shank!
(give it a dab of petroleum jelly)

Once I find a button like that the British 1/2 penny s are not far away!
Keep looking in that area. I would suspect that site could give you some a crotal bell.... maybe a some Spanish silver!
Sounds to me like a barn cellar. Look for the most likely trail to the house (and out-house).
You are getting HOT!
Keep us informed on your progress!

Envious Jeff :yes:

Have you tried the old prison out your way?
congrats on the nice colonial button Jonctd , like Jeff said theres good stuff not far away . keep hitting that area . Del
The next time i go back there I will take some pictures. There are 4 roads that connect right in front of the foundation along with a brook behind the foundation (maybe more buttons await due to washing cloths in the brook).
I found loads of pulltabs,beer and soda cans, shotgun shells,old cans,nails, and other trash. The button was the only good find and I covered a lot of area behind,next to and in front of the foundation. I also scanned the brook behind the foundation. It might have been hit hard already in the past but I will go back anyway.
its tough to find a virgin site so you have to think outside of the box sometimes to get the goods , also take your time and keep track of the areas you hit Jonctd. Del
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