Deus XY screen


Elite Member
Feb 13, 2020
I'm finding myself using the XY screen almost exclusively as opposed to the horseshoe as it helps to further define the target for me. Anyone else doing this or am I missing smething not using the horseshoe?
I am just the opposite. I used to use the XY all the time. Now I use the horseshoe all the time for one reason. I like the mineralization bar. I have mild soil so the mineralization bar gives me a good indication of iron when I am over it. It definitely helps ID some of those tricky iron targets.
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I only use the XY sometimes. I like the horse shoe due to the larger target ID and I like how the horse shoe gives somewhat of a depth indicator as well and it shows what frequency is being used.

The tones of the dues to me is the best indicator if a target is worth digging or not. Good solid audio does a lot.
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