how to scare a deer away from you


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Sep 20, 2015
North Atlanta, GA
I do a lot of metal detecting in north Atlanta. Yes it is mostly neighborhoods but I metal detect in some areas with 300 acres of woods. When i come upon some big does most of the time they just stare at me. Some are quite large. If I go closer than about 20 yards towards them they start pawing the ground or stomping their fore feet. Of course I always retreat and try to hit that area another day. But there is one possible cellar hole that they are always near.

any suggestions on how to get them to run off will be appreciated. They are not afraid of humans because nobody has hunted these woods in 40 years since it is surrounded by neighborhoods.

Another reason I am afraid of them one of the does attacked my son's dog a field springer spaniel and stomped on him. my son just reacted instinctively and ran straight toward the big doe yelling and screaming and waving his arms and the doe finally stopped an ran away about 20 yards. Fortunately the dog was not seriously injured.
Bottle rocket would work. You could take popcorn and lure them away from where you want to hunt. I would just ignore them. I bet when you are getting closer if you don't have food they will move away if you start hitting their ankles with the coil.
Deer are extremely dangerous! Especially THIS time of the year...In Mich, Theres roughly 50,000 deer/vehicle accidents per year! One out of 7 traffic accidents is deer caused...1 out of 4 in November alone! With the average insurance repair claim being $4k! Heck, I'd have to total my car 3 times for that kind of bill! Deer are awful!

They will also stomp you or your dog or your kid this time of the year for no apparent reason...I remember a hunt in MN once, back in lets see...1979? Big old swamp, some young kid shot a nice buck as it headed into the cattails...I was already in the swamp on a little cedar hummock out in the middle when I heard him screaming...

Seems he headed right into the cattails after that gutshot buck, the buck whirled around and came right back at him and he managed to get his Grandpas 30-30 up, fired a round at point blank, and hit that deer on top of the head! The weight of the deer and its momentum plowed into that poor kid, knocked him down, gashed his thigh!...

I heard him yelling and screaming and went on over to help...he was laying there in a foot of water, crying, lost his rifle, lost his glasses, big old buck on top of him! He told me what happened between the sobs, I asked if he could see well enough to get home and if he could walk...He sort of mumbled something about he probably could find his way home and get his Dad ...

So, after he hobbled off, I put MY tag on his deer! Kicked around in the mud and found his Grandpas 30-30! And bravely got out of there! I thought to myself, "It sure isnt your day, is it boy!!" :laughing:

(True story, except for the part where I stole his stuff of course, I mean hey, its just easier to get a deer by driving around, plenty nice big ones already gutted and tagged in the back of pick-up trucks in the parking lot of little country taverns that hunters go to...Free and easy too! With a little Peppermint Schnapps bravery and a few strong kids along)
There's a hill I detect alot not far behind my house and it seems every time I go there is about 6 or 8 doe just watching. Typically stay about 20 yards off or so but every time I turn on the pointer and get down to dig they will stomp and get closer. I just ignore them for the most part and they never get too close. If they are that brave just bring a bag of apples with you. You may get them to come and eat out of your hand. I used to feed them alot as a kid and they never bothered stomping me. Don't think they bother with people as much as they would a dog which they would see as a predator, coyotes chase them down all the time and often lose that fight. Now if you have a buck in the rut it may be another story.


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Hmm, I usually just stomp and snort right back. Though my deer are country deer and weary of humans. If it is a buck in rut though..... tread lightly my friend, For they do not take kindly to challenges this time of year.
I do know from experience when driving and seeing deer off the side of the road is they seem more often than not to run across the road in front of you rather than the other way like you might think.

As far as on foot in the woods maybe one of those air horns might scare them off, I don't know if it would or not, but you could give it a try.

Well, for me it is deer season. When I am out their with a bow or gun. Hell, I never see them.
Like Mud Puppy said, So many are getting hit this time of year. So watch driving at dusk and night.
In some areas the deer have been around humans for a very long time. They will not run from you. They like the area they are in and want to protect their stomping grounds. Most of the time , if you do not show them danger, they will not bother you. During rut season, that could be a different story. They can do a lot of damage to you. Just watch out.. KEN :D
If there's a deer stand near there try getting in that. My dad and I used to do that when I was younger, it apparently works pretty good cause we never saw any deer for miles! :laughing:

:laughing: +1 on that one, I have lots of great memories of hunting with my dad, not many deer but great memories all the same.
I am human, they are animals, I am not afraid of a doe...

Crazy buck, in rut, with horns? No way bruddah...

But does....

Go after em like they'll feed your family, and they'll fear you like they should...

Walk towards them. They paw the ground to get you to move so they can either figure out what you are or get you to flee.

I've been still hunting and had them do that for years, if you take 1 -2 steps towards you they will bolt and not come back that day. A does first instinct is to flight even if she has a fawn capable of running, they will generally flee first in hopes the fawn follows and stop a distance away to check on their young.

Not sure why one attacked your dog, maybe your dog got too close before she noticed. Really no reason to be afraid of them at all......except a buck in rut, but even so if you keep your distance they will be fine.
lot of good and funny answers

i suggest you get that air horn... but maybe you should get a handgun?? where there be deer, there be bear...

1. the areas is too close to neighborhoods for for any kind of gun. Bow and arrow maybe, but I don't know how to handle a bow.

2. has been no hunting on this land in 40 years. Only thing they have to fear is automobiles and coyotes who sometimes kill their fawns. This is why I think they attack so many dogs while people are walking them.

3. Maybe I will just wait. What is in the ground will still be there. When is the rutting season over, I am in North Atlanta?

4. there is one three legged doe in the woods and she seems to get along fine. But I have never seen her, but several people have told me about her.

5. anyone ever see the video of a very stupid guy going into the woods with deer lure sprayed all over him? the buck just stomped the !!!! out of him. His buddy was filming him. What could he have possibly been thinking?
Well, if you have a Sampson or other shovel you should be able to womp the daylights out of 'em if they bother you. My Predator Tools Piranha looks pretty formidable as a weapon.


If you don't feel confident in being able to defend yourself from Bambi, then get one of those Southern Good 'Ol Boys to go along with you. A country boy can survive. ;)

4. there is one three legged doe in the woods and she seems to get along fine. But I have never seen her, but several people have told me about her.

A three-legged dog walks into a bar and says, “I'm lookin' for the man who shot my paw!”

Oh wait.... that's a dog joke.
I do a lot of metal detecting in north Atlanta. Yes it is mostly neighborhoods but I metal detect in some areas with 300 acres of woods. When i come upon some big does most of the time they just stare at me. Some are quite large. If I go closer than about 20 yards towards them they start pawing the ground or stomping their fore feet. Of course I always retreat and try to hit that area another day. But there is one possible cellar hole that they are always near.

any suggestions on how to get them to run off will be appreciated. They are not afraid of humans because nobody has hunted these woods in 40 years since it is surrounded by neighborhoods.

Another reason I am afraid of them one of the does attacked my son's dog a field springer spaniel and stomped on him. my son just reacted instinctively and ran straight toward the big doe yelling and screaming and waving his arms and the doe finally stopped an ran away about 20 yards. Fortunately the dog was not seriously injured.

Two things. You can hit them with pepper spray (they won't get near another human), but that could be considered "molesting" them. You could also use a blast air horn. I'll bet that'll cause them to jump slightly.
My sister and husband had a deer hit the car. No one hurt , they had a heavy metal car at the time which saved them but not the deer.

Most deer I come across scattered very fast into the woods, but will be careful.
A three-legged dog walks into a bar and says, “I'm lookin' for the man who shot my paw!”

Oh wait.... that's a dog joke.

Man visits his friend who is a farmer and is surprised to see a pig with a wooden leg follows him everywhere they go. He asks about the pig and his friend explains what a wonder pig it is. It guards the property, herds the cows, even jumped in the pond and rescued his drowning son.
“But why does he have a wooden leg?” he asked
“When you have a pig this wonderful, you don’t eat him all at once!”
In our local paper a 911 by the police/fire dept. No one home. When a old lady appeared was asked what the emergency was? The lady said no emergency?
Later they found out she was trying to get channel 911 tv station with her phone. true
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