How about a LostMyStuff UPDATE?


Elite Member
Feb 6, 2011
Ama LA
Hi Fogcity, how about an update on the status of LMS, ie. membership, any new members in areas where we have old un-resolved reports?? I was just on the "reports" page and see that there are MANY un-resolved lost item reports dating back to the first of the year. Any way that these can get a follow up? None are in my area but I'm sure that we have members (or new members) that would be willing to have another go at some of them.

I have an update for the one in my area where I looked for a lost ring. I went back a 2nd time, and was still unable to locate the ring :(
Good Idea

Thanks Bill! I just thought since there are so many unresolved reports and since many of the people who I've had ask me to find something were usually off by a ways, maybe if new eyes got out there and looked in a different area, who knows???
No one ever reports anything lost that's within 100 miles of me. Always way off base somewhere I cannot afford to go to or don't have the time. Stinks.
Lost My Stuff Group Update -- 10/1/11

The Lost My Stuff Group is now 1 year old, and it's been a busy year for sure!!!

Here are some of our statistics:

We've grown to 590 members in 9 different countries. The majority of our members are in the USA, but as we become more & more known, we're slowly expanding to other areas.

Over 172 lost items have been reported to us. We've had members available to search for 100 of these of which 40 were found. The other 72 have yet to be searched for, but hopefully as our membership continues to grow we'll get members in more & more areas and thus be able to search for more & more items.

Let's see -- what else went on.......

One of the biggest changes made to the group this year (at least for me!) was the changing of our email system from Yahoo Groups to our own software & servers. Along with thus avoiding the delays & downtime we were experiencing with Yahoo, this also enabled our members to only receive Lost Item Reports for items lost in the areas (states or countries) of their choosing!!!

A bunch of our members decided they wanted to have some Lost My Stuff Group T-Shirts, so after a bunch of designs were created and voted on, Florida Bill printed them up for anyone interested. You can check the website for some pics & a link to his website.

Another highlight for the Group this year was our being on TV!!! If you hadn't heard, the Group was the subject of an ABC News Report here in Houston, Texas which brought us a lot of attention in the form of new members and many requests for search help. If you're interested, here's the link:

We also made it into a few newspapers up in the Delaware area (one of our members got this to happen!) which brought us more members up there, and prompted more people in that area to report lost items to us.

Yep, it's been a busy year, and I hope we do equally as well or better in the next!!!

As far as the unresolved Lost Item Reports on the website, I email those folks periodically to find out if their item is still lost or what. If any member is going to be available to search for any of those items, drop me an email and with a few clicks on the keyboard I can send you a copy of the Lost Item Report.

Anyways, I guess that's it for now....



Oh -- Another thing happened this year that I forgot to mention -- I had a heart transplant in February!!!

:D :D :D
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