That was strange.

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Could have been dropping off drug shipment. In LA area they had pangas and other craft come ashore. One time idiot chose wrong beach and guess landed in middle of Manhattan beach at night. If any craft is in the surf at night report it and stay away. Smugglers of something be it people or drugs.
Just do a google image search of "people crossing border wall"
In my mind the far more effective solution would be more agents and more cameras and sensors. A 50 foot wall is not going to stop someone with a 60 foot ladder. More agents and tech would be a fair bit cheaper and more effective than a wall, in my opinion.

I suggest you google people crossing the border where there is no wall. You'll find land owners complaining about the trash and vandalism on their property. Or people crying because their family members ended up victims of illegals. Or video of illegals crossing.

Walls put up in AZ have resulted in 97% drop in illegal crossing - THEY DO WORK

BUT that brings me back to the original question, give me examples of walls that do not work. Maybe around prisons, political properties, obamas house, clintons house???

What type of security background do you have, ANY?? Or is this just in your mind?
What you do is use a board with nails in it dragged behind to make your grid lines while beach detecting. You see someone running like they are shady, you drop the board and they step on the stop stick:lol: Back in the day i had someone jump a certain part of my fence to steal, so i buried a board shallow with stainless nails. I know i never got stole from again.:lol:
What you do is use a board with nails in it dragged behind to make your grid lines while beach detecting. You see someone running like they are shady, you drop the board and they step on the stop stick:lol: Back in the day i had someone jump a certain part of my fence to steal, so i buried a board shallow with stainless nails. I know i never got stole from again.:lol:

No kidding, it took months for my feet to heal... :lol:
Can you give specific examples of walls that have not worked? Maybe prison walls? The Great wall of China? How about the wall around every politicians personal property?

Granted its not 100% affective but it will stop at least 95% of the trash sneaking into this Great Country
Generally speaking it's the 5% you should be worried about.
Sorry, but I don't want my taxes paying for the other 95% either.


The 5% are there to commit crimes... the other 95% are trying to make a better life. A wall won't fix the problem unless its 100ft high, 100ft deep, and totally encompasses the country. That's just the way it is. The logical reasoning would be to evaluate why they want to go to the USA. . And then systematically eliminate those points. Welfare? Gone. Free !!!!? Gone. Etc etc
The good thing about living in Asia is that none of those freebies exist. If you want something you go out and work for it. If someone copies your idea then you make a better one. No trophies for 2nd place and cry babies finish in last. :laughing:
:laughing::laughing::laughing: If we get the wall built and it take the illegals 2,000 years to put a hole in it. I'd call that a success story, not that I'd be around that long to call it anything.

You beat me to it, thanks
Just do a google image search of "people crossing border wall"
In my mind the far more effective solution would be more agents and more cameras and sensors. A 50 foot wall is not going to stop someone with a 60 foot ladder. More agents and tech would be a fair bit cheaper and more effective than a wall, in my opinion.

How about a combination of both, better border barrier (wall) and more Agents, technology, etc?
Have you ever tried to lift a 20/30’ ladder let alone a 60 footer? It would be next to impossible.
Not a fan of holding government employees hostage either.
Have you ever tried to lift a 20/30’ ladder let alone a 60 footer? It would be next to impossible.
Not a fan of holding government employees hostage either.

Depends what it's made out of and how it goes together. The old saying "when there's a will there's a way"
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