nox 800 and 15" coil info I learned


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Sep 20, 2015
North Atlanta, GA
This was posted in general, but I copied it here because it is technical and could be helpful to those considering the 15" coil for the nox.

I cannot get used to hunting with a recovery speed of 4" which is recommended for the 15" coil for some reason. I forgot the reason you have to use the slower recovery speed. Maybe someone will help me out with the answer.

Ok, will answer my own question with help from vferrari quoted below.

Every coil has an optimal recovery speed for max depth. You can never a achieve max depth with any coil at the highest recovery speeds, that's just physics. But the larger, deeper coils may naturally work best at slightly lower optimum recovery speeds because of their depth. If you need high recovery speed for separation in thick trash, you will also be giving up depth regardless of coil size.

The larger coil will work just fine at high recovery speeds, just don't expect much depth. Also, the large coil is less suited to situations where high recovery speeds are used (i.e. thick trash) because you will be getting too many targets under the coil, creating a lot of chatter. That is why the 6 inch coil is better. HTH.

And that exactly what was happening. I was getting too much chatter at the same settings, but the varible I changed was using the larger 15" coil and thus covering a larger area. And of course I was probably having a lot targets masked which could have accounted for the lack of targets in an area that should have had targets. Plus I could not get consistent numbers when sweeping in a 90 degree cross sweep.

So from this, the conclusion is that the 15" probably will do well in fields with targets that are not close together and maybe the same reason for beach hunting. If you don't have close spaced targets then the lower recovery speed ( and hence depth) will be desired and not subject to chatter.

When I was having trouble on site, I dropped a penny and swung over it in cross directions and it was consistent VDI reading. But when searching the smaller area of the yard I was getting multilpe targets under my coil and hence the chatter and probable masking.

The 11" at a faster recovery speed seems to be the optimal for this type of hunting. eg fairly clean home site with a moderate amount of trash that you would expect. Not super trashy like a heavily used county or city park
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